Re: Restricting input depending on output

   [Saied Tazari]
   Maybe I coudn't explain the problem well.  With the above bullet I wanted to 
   say that the proposed solution shifts the problem of "restricting 
   selectedLocationList_In as a subset of availableLocationList_Out" to the 
   need "to restrict selectedLocationList_Out as a subset of 
   availableLocationList_In" (what you are simply assuming based on the 
   human-understandable ID 'PickSome', without giving a machine-checkable 
   restriction ).

Ah.  For this you need a precondition of an action.  We don't have an
official notation for conditions, but an appendix to the DAML-S report
with a proposed notation is being prepared and should be released any
day now.

                                             -- Drew McDermott

Received on Wednesday, 12 March 2003 10:06:12 UTC