Re: ExpressCongoBuy atomic service description

Hello Sheila,
                       Thank you for the reply. I am still wondering how 
do I bind a particular I/P/O/E to a service if the domain is not 
specified. Since congoOrderShippedEffect is a part of ExpressCongo, 
don't we have to bind these somewhere. At what stage should this be 


sam@KSL.Stanford.EDU wrote:

>Hi Mithun,
>Thanks for your question about ExpressCongoBuy.  As you noted,
>we did not explicitly define a domain for the properties
>This was done on purpose.  It certainly would not have been
>incorrect to have defined a domain, but it was not necessary.
>The advantage of not explicitly defining a domain is that it 
>enables these properties to be used by multiple processes.  
>For example, the non-express version of CongoBuy could have the
>same conditional outputs and effects.  By not defining the domain
>explicitly, it enables the use of the properties in the definition
>of both processses.
>Hope this helps.
>Sheila McIlraith, PhD                 Phone: 650-723-7932
>Senior Research Scientist             Fax:  650-725-5850
>Knowledge Systems Lab
>Department of Computer Science
>Gates Sciences Building, 2A-248
>Stanford University                   E-mail
>Stanford, CA 94305-9020
>	Hi All,
>	             I need some clarification regarding the description of 
>	ExpressCongoBuy atomic service which is part of the ProcessModel 
>	described by the file 
>	<>.
>	Is property:congoOrderShippedEffect part of the ExpressCongoBuy service? 
>	If the answer is yes, shouldn't  it have a domain pointing to the 
>	ExpressCongoBuy class.
>	- <daml:Property rdf:ID="congoOrderShippedEffect">
>	  <rdfs:subPropertyOf 
>	rdf:resource="" 
>	/>
>	- <rdfs:range>
>	- <daml:Class>
>	  <rdfs:subClassOf 
>	rdf:resource="" 
>	/>
>	- <rdfs:subClassOf>
>	- <daml:Restriction>
>	  <daml:onProperty 
>	rdf:resource="" 
>	/>
>	  <daml:toClass rdf:resource="#BookInStock" />
>	  </daml:Restriction>
>	  </rdfs:subClassOf>
>	- <rdfs:subClassOf>
>	- <daml:Restriction>
>	  <daml:onProperty 
>	rdf:resource="" 
>	/>
>	  <daml:toClass rdf:resource="#OrderShippedEffect" />
>	  </daml:Restriction>
>	  </rdfs:subClassOf>
>	  </daml:Class>
>	  </rdfs:range>
>	  </daml:Property>
>	Similarly shouldn't the output: congOrderShippedOutput have a domian as 
>	well. Am I missing something?
>	peace,
>	mithun

Received on Monday, 3 March 2003 18:02:26 UTC