rdf:property expressions in DAML

A Trivial question.

I have noticed in Process.owl and also CongoProcess.owl that certain 
properties have been expressed as rdf:property rather than 
owl:DatatypeProperty or owl:ObjectProperty, though the range is not 
owl#Thing For e.g.

rdf:Property rdf:ID="locateBookOutput">
rdf:resource="http://www.daml.org/services/owl-s/0.9/Process.owl#output" />
  <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#LocateBook" />
  <rdfs:range rdf:resource="#LocateBookOutput" />


- <rdf:Property rdf:ID="nameBookInCatalogue">
  <owl:domain rdf:resource="#BookInCatalogue" />
  <owl:range rdf:resource="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string" />

Could there be a specific reason behind doing this or does it not matter?


Monika Solanki
De Montfort University
Software Technology Research Laboratory
Hawthorn building, H00.18
The Gateway.
Leicester LE1 9BH, UK

phone: +44 (0)116 250 6170 intern: 6170
email: monika@dmu.ac.uk <mailto:monika@dmu.ac.uk>
web: http://www.cse.dmu.ac.uk/~monika/ 
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