[Fwd: Time in DAML-S]

Feng - As we've discussed offline, I am forwarding your 2 messages to 
www-ws@w3.org, for the interest of the readers there.

Yes, we do expect to use your time-entry ontology in future releases of 

David Martin

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Re: Time in DAML-S
Date: 	Mon, 30 Jun 2003 17:08:56 -0700 (PDT)
From: 	Feng Pan <pan@ISI.EDU>
To: 	martin@AI.SRI.COM


Hi David,

This is Feng Pan, a student of Dr. Jerry Hobbs, working
on DAML projects. 

Here are some possible updates of the places in DAML-S
examples where our time ontology is/could be used:

1) In Congo.com example and the ProfileHierarchy.owl file, 
the namespace used for time ontology
is null, and http://www.ai.sri.com/daml/ontologies/time/Time.daml
is outdated. 

We have developed an "entry" sub-ontology of time, expressed 
in OWL, that is much simpler than the full ontology and provides 
all of what most users would need, i.e., a vocabulary for expressing 
facts about topological relations among instants, intervals, and 
events, together with information about durations and about dates 
and times. Its documentation, including a use case, could be found
at http://www.isi.edu/~pan/damltime/time-entry-documentation.txt

The namespace of this entry sub-ontology of time is
http://www.isi.edu/~pan/damltime/time-entry.owl, which should 
replace all the places in DAML-S examples where our time ontology 
is used. 

For example, in CongoProfile.owl the namespace of time should 
be updated to:

  <!ENTITY time "http://www.isi.edu/~pan/damltime/time-entry.owl">

then the places in this file where this namespace is used, 
for example "CreditCardExpirationDate", will be updated 

2) In Bravo Air example, "DepartureDate" and "ArrivalDate"
are defined in BravoAirProfile.owl using "FlightDate" defined
in http://www.daml.ri.cmu.edu/ont/DAML-S/concepts.owl which
is actually a null link, but we found
http://www.daml.ri.cmu.edu/ont/DAML-S/concepts.daml is still
accessible. In this concepts.daml file, the content of the 
definition of "FlightDate" is empty with comments: "The definition 
of the compound entity 'date' needs to be extended here to include 
either a departure time or arrival time, i.e. the filght must 
depart by, or arrive by...", which indicates the names should be 
changed to something like "DepartureTime" and "ArrivalTime".

I think our entry sub-ontology of time can also fit in here -- to
make the "DepartureTime" and "ArrivalTime" restrictedTo "Instant" 
in our ontology. There are two possible ways to do this: one is
to replace the usage of concepts.owl by our time-entry.owl, the
other is to use our ontology to define "FlightDate" in concepts.owl. 

If the first way is adopted, the definition of "DepartureDate" in
BravoAirProfile.owl will be changed to, assuming the time namespace 
is updated.

  <profile:ParameterDescription  rdf:ID="DepartureTime"> 
    <profile:parameterName> DepartureTime </profile:parameterName>
    <profile:restrictedTo rdf:resource="&time;#Instant"/>
    <profile:refersTo rdf:resource="&ba_process;#outboudDate_In"/>

By doing so, a DepartureTime instance can has either a
"inCalendarClockDataType" property pointing to a specific 
value of XML Schema type "dateTime", or "inCalendarClock" 
object property pointing to a instance of "CalendarClockDescription"
class specifying a specific time, say 10:30am on 07/01/2003.

Similar changes could be done to "outboundDate_In" and 
"inboundDate_In" in BravoAirprocess.owl.

Please let me know if you have any suggestions or comments on
these possible updates.



Received on Monday, 4 August 2003 01:16:44 UTC