Re: DAML CongoProcess example question

Well,....I saw that "sameValueAs " from the 0.6 version has been 
deprectaed in favor of  "sameValues" in 0.7. The usage however remains 
the same (I think).

Also the following lines of comments have been included in the Process 
Ontology (0.7):

The following inputs and outputs of FullCongoBuy are derived
from the corresponding inputs and outputs of its atomic subprocesses
(as indicated by their sameValues properties), and will normally
be computed automatically by DAML-S tools.  For example,
FullCongoBuy uses an input, congoBuyBookName, that's the same as
the bookName input to atomic process LocateBook.    What follows
is a partial example of these inputs and outputs.

I, therefore have a feeling that we can still use "sameValues" for the 
kind of restriction that needs to be imposed on the class

<daml:sameValues rdf:resource="#fullCongoBuyBookName" />

It would be nice if one of the Authors could further clarify this issue.

Vera Zaychik wrote:

>Thank you so much for answering!
>However, there is no 'sameValuesAs' (or 'sameValueAs') defined in DAML.
>Only sameClassAs, sameIndividualAs, and samePropertyAs. And none of
>those are allowed to be part of a restriction. The only things allowed
>to be part of a restriction are: toClass, hasValue, hasClass, or
>Also, is congoOrderShippedEffect an effect of ExpressCongoBuy? And
>congoOrderShippedOutput an output of the same? In which case maybe they
>should have <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#ExpressCongoBuy"/> statement as
>part of their definition?
>Monika Solanki wrote:
>>I guess, the following line of code needs to be inserted before the
>>closing tag
>><daml:sameValuesAs rdf:resource="#fullCongoBuyBookName" />
>>as the restriction on the input to this class is the same as the name
>>of the book.
>>Hope this helps.
>>(see the changed code below )
>>><daml:Class rdf:ID="PutInCart">
>>> <rdfs:subClassOf
>>> <rdfs:subClassOf>
>>>  <daml:Restriction>
>>>   <daml:onProperty
>>><daml:sameValuesAs rdf:resource="#bookName" />
>>>  </daml:Restriction>
>>> </rdfs:subClassOf>
>>>Now, here's a question. Is that a valid DAML? Any restriction on
>>>property is supposed to be to something, either value or class or
>>>cardinality. Right? What is this restriction restricting?
>>>Vera Zaychik
>>Monika Solanki
>>De Montfort University
>>Software Technology Research Laboratory
>>Hawthorn building, H00.18
>>The Gateway.
>>Leicester LE1 9BH, UK
>>phone: +44 (0)116 250 6170 intern: 6170
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Monika Solanki
De Montfort University
Software Technology Research Laboratory
Hawthorn building, H00.18
The Gateway.
Leicester LE1 9BH, UK

phone: +44 (0)116 250 6170 intern: 6170
email: <>
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