Re: DAML CongoProcess example question

I guess, the following line of code needs to be inserted before the 
closing tag


<daml:sameValuesAs rdf:resource="#fullCongoBuyBookName" /> 

as the restriction on the input to this class is the same as the name of 
the book.

Hope this helps.

(see the changed code below )



><daml:Class rdf:ID="PutInCart">
> <rdfs:subClassOf
> <rdfs:subClassOf>
>  <daml:Restriction>
>   <daml:onProperty
><daml:sameValuesAs rdf:resource="#bookName" /> 
>  </daml:Restriction>
> </rdfs:subClassOf>
>Now, here's a question. Is that a valid DAML? Any restriction on
>property is supposed to be to something, either value or class or
>cardinality. Right? What is this restriction restricting?
>Vera Zaychik

Monika Solanki
De Montfort University
Software Technology Research Laboratory
Hawthorn building, H00.18
The Gateway.
Leicester LE1 9BH, UK

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