Two Questions on Extension Components in WSDL 2.0


Two questions.Please correct me if I am wrong.

*a) Inheritance of Extension Components*

Will properties defined as extension attributes/elements be inherited ?
For instance, if the modeler defines an extension attribute
"sla:responseTime" with a fixed value "500ms" on an interface "INT_1"
applicable for all operations/faults of that interface,
would an interface that extends INT_1 inherit this attribute, both on
inherited and declared operations and faults?

If so,  the statement in section 2.2.1 stating "The interface extension
mechanism behaves in a similar way for all other components that can be
defined inside an interface, namely Interface

can be re-phrased, to make this more explicit, as

"The interface extension mechanism behaves in a similar way for all other
components that can be defined inside an interface, namely Interface
and any additional extension components added via extensibility.

*b) Extension components mentioned as a standard component property of WSDL
2.0 components*

I am sure there is a rationale for this, but I had this question - Why are
extension components missing in the component properties and the XML
representation tables for all components?
The infoset properties always have their mention stating "Zero or more
namespace-qualified *element information item*s whose [namespace name] is
NOT "". These are missing from the BNF
pseudo-schemas, and the table that illustrates the "Mapping from XML
representation to <COMPONENT_NAME> component properties" for all the


Shift to the left, shift to the right!
Pop up, push down, byte, byte, byte!

-Ramkumar Menon
A typical Macroprocessor

Received on Monday, 21 May 2007 18:39:46 UTC