- From: Jonathan Marsh <jonathan@wso2.com>
- Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2007 12:12:31 -0800
- To: "'Youenn Fablet'" <youenn.fablet@crf.canon.fr>, "'www-ws-desc'" <www-ws-desc@w3.org>
I've annotated Youenn's analysis with the option numbers from last week's poll (which I'll carry forward this week). Jonathan Marsh - http://www.wso2.com - http://auburnmarshes.spaces.live.com > -----Original Message----- > From: www-ws-desc-request@w3.org [mailto:www-ws-desc-request@w3.org] On > Behalf Of Youenn Fablet > Sent: Monday, January 29, 2007 5:51 AM > To: www-ws-desc > Subject: CR117 summary > > > From last week telcon, different options were proposed to solve > (partially) CR117. > Here is a summary: Option 1: Jonathan's 1st - new syntax for controlling whether or not to encode > 1) Enable two serialization modes (encoded and raw) > Pros: the most powerful option, simple to explain and understand > Cons: new feature, may require a new Last Call Option 0: status quo - nothing encoded > 2) Status quo > Pros: enable dynamic URI constructions > Cons: greatly limit the usability of GET and POST/x-www-form-urlencoded > for web services > Notes: > 1) IIRC, the SPARQL description (the only real example of the HTTP > binding, AFAIKT) may lead to ambiguous requests, since strings and uris > values are serialized as query string parameters > 2) IIRC, form web clients generally URL-encode parameter values > before inserting them in the query string. WSDL would not be able to > describe the servers processing these requests. Option 5: everything encoded > 3) Select Encoded mode > Pros: simple to explain, ambiguity is then easy to check. > Cons: Disable the ability to describe some REST-style services > Note: Raw mode use cases may be partially enabled with the encoded mode > by splitting a single parameter value into several parameter values. > <element name="date"/> would be changed as <element > name="year"/><element name="month"/><element name="day"/> > The one case that cannot be addressed with the encoded mode is when a > parameter value contains a variable number of path steps, which may not > be that widespread. Option 2: Youenn - cited parameters raw, uncited encoded > 4) Raw mode for path parameter values/Encoded mode for query parameter > values > Pros: No LC needed. Enable dynamic path construction. Also enable > SPARQL, web forms scenarios and all simple use of HTTP GET. Ambiguity is > easy to check for simple location templates. > Cons: Less understandable (?) than the other options. > URL-Encoding query parameter values is quite widespread and, IMHO, we > should not go against that. > The current status quo is also vague about whether URL-encoding is used > or not for query parameter values. > I also did not heard anybody arguing for the support of dynamic query > string parameters... > > Hope this helps going forward with this issue, > Youenn
Received on Wednesday, 31 January 2007 20:12:25 UTC