Re: Spelling mistake in LocationTemplate-1G

Please find updated results with the added queryParameterSeparator* 
properties within the soap binding.

Jonathan Marsh wrote:
> Hearing no screams, I’ve flipped the switch.
> **Jonathan Marsh** - - 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* [] 
> *On Behalf Of *Jonathan Marsh
> *Sent:* Tuesday, January 23, 2007 9:24 PM
> *To:* 'John Kaputin (gmail)'; 'www-ws-desc'
> *Cc:*;
> *Subject:* RE: Spelling mistake in LocationTemplate-1G
> Good catch, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
> First, it’s too bad validation of the WSDL didn’t pick this mistake up 
> – but I guess lax validation is unavoidable?
> Second, with the resolution of CR113 [1] the {http query parameter 
> separator} and {http query parameter separator default} have been 
> added to the list of SOAP binding properties. I just added them to the 
> interchange schemas as follows:
>     * Consistent with other properties, and the resolution of CR067
>       [2], I assume these properties retain their REQUIREDness only
>       when used with the HTTP transport. As such, I’ve marked the
>       properties as minOccurs=”0” in the schema.
>     * I’ve updated wsdl-xslt to insert the
>       httpcm:httpQueryParameterSeparatorDefault property whenever the
>       transport is HTTP.
>     * I’ve updated wsdl-xslt to insert the
>       httpcm:httpQueryParameterSeparator property whenever the
>       transport is HTTP, and the whttp:queryParameterSeparator
>       attribute appears.
> As a result, 26 of the baseline files need updating, as well as the 
> interchange serialization code in Woden and Canon. Note that we have 
> another issue CR144 which may cause the interchange format to soon 
> change yet again.
> I’ll probably check in these fixes tomorrow, if nobody screams before 
> then.
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> **Jonathan Marsh** - - 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* [] 
> *On Behalf Of *John Kaputin (gmail)
> *Sent:* Tuesday, January 23, 2007 2:45 PM
> *To:* www-ws-desc
> *Cc:*;
> *Subject:* Spelling mistake in LocationTemplate-1G
> There's a spelling mistake in the WSDL for LocationTemplate-1G:
> In the binding "MixedPathsQueryParams",
> whttp:queryParameterSeparaterDefault=";"
> should be spelt
> whttp:queryParameterSeparatorDefault=";"
> i.e. 'Separater' should be spelt 'Separator'
> So Woden is parsing this attribute as an UnknownExtensionAttribute and 
> the {http query parameter separator default} extension property is 
> defaulting to ampersand "&".
> regards,
> John

Received on Thursday, 25 January 2007 16:06:50 UTC