Re: rpc:signature question.


The word "input" in "child of the input element" should have been 
written in regular type, as opposed to fixed-width.

The expression means more than what you describe (“element declaration 
in the complexType declared by the {element declaration} of the Message 
Reference component with {direction} ‘in’”) because there are many ways 
to declare child elements in schema, e.g. with model groups.

It is true though that "the input element" means the "{element 
declaration} of the Message Reference component with {direction} ‘in’". 
It's stating the other half which is hard. It'd be much easier if XML 
Schema had a core language like Relax NG (<insert favorite rant on this 
topic here/>), because then we could compile away model groups and other 

There may be an indirect way of saying this. What the assertion in 
question is really saying is that, for each valid instance of the 
“element declaration in the complexType declared by the {element 
declaration} of the Message Reference component with {direction} ‘in’”, 
it MUST be the case that the corresponding EII has among its [children] 
one EII whose qualified name matches the given one. A similar 
constraint, but negative, should be placed on the output element. 
Indirectly, such a universally quantified constraint on all valid EIIs 
would reflect back into a constraint at the schema level for which, 
alas, there appears to be no concise expression.


Jonathan Marsh wrote:
> Assertion WRPC-0053 [1] states:
> For each pair //(q, #in)//, there MUST be a child element of the |input| 
> element with a name of //q//. There MUST NOT be a child element of the 
> |output| element with the name of //q//.
> What is “child of the input element” supposed to mean?  The <wsdl:input> 
> element doesn’t have significant children (extensions and 
> documentation).  So it could instead mean an “element declaration in the 
> complexType declared by the {element declaration} of the Message 
> Reference component with {direction} ‘in’”.  Is that the intention?
> The assertions immediately following this one also suffer generally from 
> this malaise.
> [1] 
> **Jonathan Marsh** - - 

Received on Wednesday, 24 January 2007 22:21:58 UTC