RE: FW: Component Values Must Be Context Independent

Thanks for the explanation - seems quite clear.


However, I'm now worried about this change's impact on the WS-Addressing
WSDL extensions [1].


The presence of the wsaw:UsingAddressing extension causes the addition
of an {addressing} property on a Binding or Endpoint Component.  This
optional property signals that WS-Addressing use has been declared.
Once it is declared (so I infer) other corresponding properties are
REQUIRED, for instance {action} which appears on Interface Message
Reference and Interface Fault Components.


So, if I my description looks like this:


<wsdl:description ...>

            <wsdl:import namespace="i" location="interface.wsdl"/>

            <wsdl:import namespace="b" location="binding.wsdl"/>

            <wsdl:service interface="i:interface">

                        <wsdl:endpoint binding="b:binding" ...>

<wsaw:UsingAddressing required="true"/>




It looks like the presence of wsaw:UsingAddressing as an endpoint
extension results in the addition of properties to the imported
interface components.   Does this example seem overly contrived?  Would
it be outlawed under your proposal?






From: Arthur Ryman [] 
Sent: Monday, May 29, 2006 8:24 PM
To: Jonathan Marsh
Subject: Re: FW: Component Values Must Be Context Independent



Yes, we should use consistent terminology. 

There are 3 kinds of components: 

1) The root Description component, which is in a category by itself 
2) Top-level components: Interface, Binding, Service, Element
Declaration, and Type Definition - these are contained in the
Description component 
3) Nested components: everything else - these all have a {parent}

When talking about component equivalence, we are really mainly
interested in the Top-level components since we can get name collisions
when we combine documents. Name collisions are impossible within a
document by virtue of the schema. A document would be invalid if it had
name conflicts and we wouldn't get past the XML infoset stage. 

However, when we combine two or more documents, we need to avoid name
conflicts. It's OK to have two Top-level components with the same name
in two different documents as long as they are equivalent. That way we
avoid the conflict. We need an efficient way to test for equivalence.
We'd like to be able to decide if two components are equivalent just by
examing their documents, not any other documents they might reference
via import or include. 

A property is a name-value pair. A component has a set of properties
such that each property has a unique name. 

Note that all components have some combination of property values that
defines a key, i.e. in a valid component model instance, that
combination of values uniquely identifies the component. For example,
all the top-level components have QName keys, i.e. the {name} property.
The spec does define this for every component although it doesn't
explicitly call them keys. I gave a table of these in my orginal note.
The keys are used in the XML infoset to refer to components. The keys
are used in the component designators. 

Two components are equivalent if and only if: 
1) they have the same set of property names 
2) for each of their property names, the corresponding values are

So now we have boiled down the definition to that of value equivalence. 

There are two kinds of values: 
1) Component values - single or optional components, sets or lists of
components. In general we can regard these as collections of components
by treating single components as singleton sets. 
2) Non-component values - everything else. Let's call these scalar
values. These are things like strings, tokens, uri's, etc. They are
often XML simple types. 

Two scalar values are equivalent if and only if they are equal. 

That leaves the definition of equivalence for component values. Since
these are collections, we first require that the collections are
"isomorphic" i.e. that there is an invertible mapping from one to the
other (which is just the natural correspondence for lists in the case of
ordered collections). Further, we require that the mapping relates
equivalent components where we define equivalence as follows: 

There are two kinds of components: 
1) child components - these are nested components whose {parent}
property is equal to the component that contains the property under
2) non-child components - all other components 

Two non-child component values are equivalent if their keys are equal.
This means we don't have to inspect the contents of other documents.
Within a document, one component references another via its key, e.g.
its QName. 
Two child component values are equivalent if they are equivalent as
components - this is the recursive step. But we always recurse down the
parent-child tree so the definition is non-circular and it terninates. 

I claim that this definition of equivalence agrees with the old
definition when applied to the component model instance as a whole. 

However, the new definition is weaker since it might state that a
specific pair of components are equivalent while the old definition says
they are inequivalent. This is because the new definition just compares
keys in some cases. 

For example suppose in a component model instance we have 4 interfaces
where A extends B and A' extends B'. Suppose all interfaces are in
different documents and that document of A includes document of B, and
document of A' includes document of B'. Suppose A and A' as interfaces
have identical infosets. Suppose B and B' have the same QNames but
differ in some other respect. The equivalence relations are as follows: 




A and A' 

not equivalent 


B and B' 

not equivalent 

not equivalent

Even though the new definition reports that A and A' are equivalent, the
component model as a whole is invalid. Furthermore, by just flagging B
and B' as inequivalent, we get a more useful error message, since by
inspection A and A' look identical. 

Arthur Ryman,
IBM Software Group, Rational Division

phone: +1-905-413-3077, TL 969-3077
assistant: +1-905-413-2411, TL 969-2411
fax: +1-905-413-4920, TL 969-4920
mobile: +1-416-939-5063, text: 

"Jonathan Marsh" <> 
Sent by: 

05/23/2006 03:53 PM 






FW: Component Values Must Be Context Independent




[Random keystroke sent it too early, and then got interrupted by hours
of telcons - completed below.] 



From: Jonathan Marsh 
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2006 10:07 AM
To: 'Arthur Ryman'
Subject: RE: Component Values Must Be Context Independent 
OK, just trying to understand the terminology.  The spec doesn't use the
term "child component".  It does use the term "nested components" which
are non-top-level components (e.g. any component but Description,
Interface, Binding, Service, Element Declaration, and Type Definition.)
2.17 for instance talks about "references to other components" but
doesn't really define the term, which you seem to be specializing into
"child" and "non-child" components. 
So, a child component property is 
a)       A property of component X, 
b)      with a value of a component, set of components, or list of
c)       where each of the components in (b) having a parent property, 
d)      and where each of these parent property has a value of component
Is that right? 
The reason for trying to get clarity here is that we haven't
distinguished between properties that contain components "by value" and
those that contain components "by reference", which is IMO an
implementation choice.  We chose one strategy for serializing the graph
as a tree for the interchange format but that's just one choice. 
Is the categorization below correct? 
Another observation: comparing the value of the "value" property
involves an infoset comparison, about which I don't see anything in
Child component property 
Non-component property 
Non-child component property 
(properties missing from the table below) 
interface operation  |  Binding Operation.{interface operation} 
binding message references  |  Binding Operation.{binding message
binding fault reference   |  Binding Operation.{binding fault
Interface message references | Binding Message Reference.{interface
message references} 
Interface fault reference  |  Binding Fault Reference.{interface fault


Where Defined


perty-Endpoint.address> } 


perty-Endpoint.binding> } 

binding faults 

Binding.{binding faults
perty-Binding.bindingfaults> } 

binding operations 

Binding.{binding operations
perty-Binding.bindingoperations> } 


perty-Description.bindings> } 


Interface Fault Reference.{direction
perty-InterfaceFaultReference.direction> }, Interface Message
perty-InterfaceMessageReference.direction> } 

element declaration 

Interface Fault.{element declaration
perty-InterfaceFault.elementdeclaration> }, Interface Message
Reference.{element declaration
perty-InterfaceMessageReference.elementdeclaration> } 

element declarations 

Description.{element declarations
perty-Description.elementdeclarations> } 


perty-Service.endpoints> } 

extended interfaces 

Interface.{extended interfaces
perty-Interface.extendedinterfaces> } 


perty-.features> }, Binding.{features
perty-Binding.features> }, Binding Fault.{features
perty-BindingFault.features> }, Binding Fault Reference.{features
perty-BindingFaultReference.features> }, Binding Message
perty-BindingMessageReference.features> }, Binding Operation.{features
perty-BindingOperation.features> }, Endpoint.{features
perty-Endpoint.features> }, Interface.{features
perty-Interface.features> }, Interface Fault.{features
perty-InterfaceFault.features> }, Interface Fault Reference.{features
perty-InterfaceFaultReference.features> }, Interface Message
perty-InterfaceMessageReference.features> }, Interface
perty-InterfaceOperation.features> }, Service.{features
perty-Service.features> } 


perty-Binding.interface> }, Service.{interface
perty-Service.interface> } 

interface fault 

Binding Fault.{interface fault
perty-BindingFault.interfacefault> }, Interface Fault
Reference.{interface fault
perty-InterfaceFaultReference.interfacefault> } 

interface fault references 

Interface Operation.{interface fault references
perty-InterfaceOperation.interfacefaultreferences> } 

interface faults 

Interface.{interface faults
perty-Interface.interfacefaults> } 

interface message references 

Interface Operation.{interface message references
perty-InterfaceOperation.interfacemessagereferences> } 

interface operations 

Interface.{interface operations
perty-Interface.interfaceoperations> } 


perty-Description.interfaces> } 

message content model 

Interface Message Reference.{message content model
perty-InterfaceMessageReference.messagecontentmodel> } 

message exchange pattern 

Interface Operation.{message exchange pattern
perty-InterfaceOperation.messageexchangepattern> } 

message label 

Interface Fault Reference.{message label
perty-InterfaceFaultReference.messagelabel> }, Interface Message
Reference.{message label
perty-InterfaceMessageReference.messagelabel> } 


<> }, Binding.{name
<> }, Element Declaration.{name
<> }, Endpoint.{name
<> }, Interface.{name
<> }, Interface Fault.{name
<> }, Interface Operation.{name
<> }, Service.{name
<> }, Type Definition.{name
<> } 


perty-.parent> }, Binding Fault.{parent
perty-BindingFault.parent> }, Binding Fault Reference.{parent
perty-BindingFaultReference.parent> }, Binding Message Reference.{parent
perty-BindingMessageReference.parent> }, Binding Operation.{parent
perty-BindingOperation.parent> }, Endpoint.{parent
perty-Endpoint.parent> }, Feature.{parent
perty-Feature.parent> }, Interface Fault.{parent
perty-InterfaceFault.parent> }, Interface Fault Reference.{parent
perty-InterfaceFaultReference.parent> }, Interface Message
perty-InterfaceMessageReference.parent> }, Interface Operation.{parent
perty-InterfaceOperation.parent> }, Property.{parent
perty-Property.parent> } 


<> }, Binding.{properties
<> }, Binding Fault.{properties
<> }, Binding Fault Reference.{properties
<> }, Binding Message
<> }, Binding
<> }, Endpoint.{properties
<> }, Interface.{properties
<> }, Interface Fault.{properties
<> }, Interface Fault
<> }, Interface Message
<> }, Interface
<> }, Service.{properties
<> } 


perty-Feature.ref> }, Property.{ref
perty-Property.ref> } 


perty-Feature.required> } 


<> } 


Interface Operation.{style
<> } 


Element Declaration.{system
perty-ElementDeclaration.system> }, Type Definition.{system
perty-TypeDefinition.system> } 


perty-Binding.type> } 

type definitions 

Description.{type definitions
perty-Description.typedefinitions> } 


perty-Property.value> } 

value constraint 

Property.{value constraint
perty-Property.valueconstraint> } 




From: Arthur Ryman [] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2006 8:57 AM
To: Jonathan Marsh
Subject: RE: Component Values Must Be Context Independent 


Yes, there is a {parent} property for each child component. The idea is
that to compute equivalence, you look at the non-reference properties
and the child components. You compare the reference properties by value,
i.e. don't traverse into the referenced component if it is not a child.
This let's you compute equivalence based on the contents of the document
that contains the enclosing top-level component, i.e. you don't have to
look at other documents. 

Arthur Ryman,
IBM Software Group, Rational Division

phone: +1-905-413-3077, TL 969-3077
assistant: +1-905-413-2411, TL 969-2411
fax: +1-905-413-4920, TL 969-4920
mobile: +1-416-939-5063, text: 

"Jonathan Marsh" <> 
Sent by: 

05/22/2006 08:20 PM 



Arthur Ryman/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA, <> 




RE: Component Values Must Be Context Independent





Can you explain a bit more the difference between so-called "child
components" and "non-child components"?  I couldn't find these
distinguished clearly in the spec.  Do you just mean the parent



From: [] On
Behalf Of Arthur Ryman
Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2006 4:20 PM
Subject: Component Values Must Be Context Independent 

Components can be brought into a component model instance through
<import> and <include>. For scalability purposes, it is highly desirable
for the value of a component to be independent of the context that it
was brought it. 

The use case is a development tool for SOA applications that needs to
support hundreds or thousands of services. The tool needs to validate
the service definitions. The requirement is that the time to do this be
linear. We are currently experiencing performance problems validating
large sets of WSDL 1.1 documents. We need to have an spec-compliant
optimization for WSDL 2.0. 

Ideally, a tool should be able to compute the components directly
defined in a document without looking at any of the imports or includes.
There are two problems now that prevent this: 

1. In theory, we allow extensions that could alter the semantics of
imported or included components. However, there is no requirement or use
case for this flexibility, much less a realistic, compelling one. Note
that this is actually a real problem in XML Schema, e.g. due to
"features" such as cameleon includes, and <redefine>, you need to know
the context in which a document is included. 

2. The current definition of component equivalence is recursive in the
sense that to test if two components are equivalent, it is necessary to
determine if all of the components they refer to are equivalent. In
effect this means that you have to construct the entire component model
instance in order to resolve the references to the other components. 

Since WSDL documents typically include or import others, a collection of
WSDL documents is likely to be moderately connected when viewed as a
graph. Therefore, when you validate the collection, you end up
processing a given document many times in general. You process it a
number of times equal to the number of documents that refer to it
directly or indirectly (+ 1). This is non-linear. The exact degree of
non-linearity depends on how connected the graph is. Consider a simple
chain of n WSDL documents. 

A1 includes A2 includes A3 includes ... An 

Validating A1 requires reading n documents. 
Validating A2 requires reading n-1 documents. 
Validating An requires reading 1 document. 

Therefore validating the whole set of documents requires readiing n +
(n-1) + ... + 1 = n(n+1)/2 = O(n^2), i.e. this is quadratic, not linear.

On the other hand, if the meaning if each document is independent of how
it is used then a smart tool could cache the results and only read n

The fix is as follows: 

1. Add the following assertion. An extension MUST NOT affect the value
of components that are added to the component model via <import> or
2. State the definition of component equivalence as follows. Two
components are equivalent when: 
      A) All of their child components are equivalent. 
      B) All of their non-component properties are equal. 
      C) All of their non-child component properties refer to components
that have the same keys (e.g. names). 
The difference is that to test for equivalence, you only have to look at
a component's value-based properties and child components. You don't
have to traverse the component graph, which might take you into another
document. You only have to compare referred to components via their

We then add a statement to each component explicitly stating what its
key values are. This is straight-forward. We already implicitly defined
keys when stating uniqueness rules, i.e. each Interface component in a
Description component must have a unique {name}. The key is usually the
{name} property. For Features and Properties, it is the {ref} property.
The complete list is: 

1. ElementDeclaration: {name} 

2. TypeDefinition: {name} 

3. Interface: {name} 

4. InterfaceFault: {name} 

5. InterfaceOperation: {name} 

6. InterfaceMessageReference: {message label} 

7. InterfaceFaultReference: {interface fault}.{name}. {message label} 

8. Binding: {name} 

9. BindingFault: {interfaceFault}.{name} 

10. BindingOperation: {interfaceOperation}.{name} 

11. BindingMessageReference: {interface message reference}.{message

12. BindingFaultReference: {interface fault reference}.{interface
fault}.{name}, {interface fault reference}.{message label} 

13 Service: {name} 

14. Endpoint: {name} 

15. Feature: {ref} 

16. Property: {ref} 

In general, any extension component that might be refered to needs to
define a key value, since that is how the reference is represented in
the XML serialization. 

Arthur Ryman,
IBM Software Group, Rational Division

phone: +1-905-413-3077, TL 969-3077
assistant: +1-905-413-2411, TL 969-2411
fax: +1-905-413-4920, TL 969-4920
mobile: +1-416-939-5063, text: 

Received on Tuesday, 30 May 2006 22:53:48 UTC