Agenda, 9 March 2005 WS Desc telcon

0.  Dial in information (members only) [.1]:

See the public WG page [.2] for pointers to current documents and other information, and the private page [.3] for administrative matters.

If you have additions to the agenda, please email them to the WG list before the start of the telcon.



1.  Welcome new member: Kendall Clark, MIND Lab
    Assign scribe.  Lucky minute taker for this week is one of:
      Prasad Yendluri, Youenn Fablet, Kevin Liu, Umit Yalcinalp,
      Paul Downey, Dale Moberg, Tom Jordahl, Jean-Jacques Moreau,
      Tony Rogers, Rebecca Bergersen, Hugo Haas

2.  Approval of minutes:
  - Feb 24 telcon [.1]
  - Mar 3-4 FTF (.2, .3) and summary (.4)


3.  Review of Action items [.1].  Editorial actions [.2].

?         2004-04-01: Marsh will get schema tf going.
?         2004-09-02: Bijan to create stylesheet to generate a
                      table of components and properties.
?         2004-09-16: Editors to move App C to RDF Mapping spec, 
                      except the frag-id which will move 
                      within media-type reg appendix.
?         2004-09-16: Editors to fix paragraph 6-9 of section 
                      2.1.1 moved into 2.1.2
                      which talks about the syntax.
?         2004-10-14: Editors to add a statement like: 
                      The Style property may constrain both 
                      input and output, however a particular 
                      style may constrain in only one 
                      direction. In Section of Part 1.
?         2004-11-09: DaveO to work on text for option 
                      3 (redefining conformance in terms 
                      of building the component model) 
?         2004-11-09: DaveO will recast the @compatibleWith 
                      proposal using an extension namespace. 
DONE [.7] 2004-11-10: Sanjiva to write the rationale for 
                      rejecting LC75a
?         2004-11-10: Glen will post an e-mail describing 
                      the compromise proposal on formal objections.
?         2004-11-10: Editor remove ambiguity if it exists
?         2004-11-10: Sanjiva will write up this proposal 
                      and email it to the list as a response 
                      to the objection.
?         2004-11-11: Anish to propose additions to the 
                      test suite for the purpose of 
                      interoperability testing.
RETIRED   2004-11-18: Mini-task force to propose one or two 
                      proposals for the group for LC5f.
?         2004-12-03: Glen and Asir to help craft the specific text 
                      for the editors (LC18).
MOVED     2004-12-03: Glen to send example on feature stuff for primer
DONE [.3] 2005-01-06: MTD Editors to add note saying content-type
                      is not sufficient, information to be 
                      provided via other mechanism, for 
                      example xsi:type"
DONE [.3] 2005-01-06: MTD editors implement proposal 2 for issue 
?         2005-01-06: Umit? to respond to Larry, "not dynamic, 
                      other solutions equally bad, not 
                      recommendation track, if problems
                      happy to consider those"
DONE [.3] 2005-01-13: Editors of media type doc to 
                      implement issue 261 resolution
DONE [.3] 2005-01-13: Editors of media type doc to 
                      implement issue 262 resolution
DONE [.3] 2005-01-13: Editors of media type doc to 
                      implement 262 and 273
?         2005-01-13: Part 1 Editors to incorporate the text 
                      at 2004Dec/0022.html.
MOVED     2005-01-13: Editors of media type doc to 
                      resolve 275 editorially 
?         2005-01-19: Part 1 Editors to call out the difference 
                      between WSDL 1.1 and 2.0 in respect to 
                      single interface per service, and 
                      indicate alternatives
?         2005-01-19: Part 1 Editors to rewrite ONMR as Best 
DONE [.4] 2005-01-20: Asir to think about mU and possibly 
                      propose some clarification text
?         2005-01-20: Arthur to come up with primer text 
                      to show fault reuse and fault code.
DONE [.4] 2005-02-03: Asir to work with primer eds on SOAP 1.1
?         2005-02-03: Part 1 editors to incorporate text from 
                      Jan/0026 and Feb/0006.
DONE [.6] 2005-02-17: Asir to review table on how import and include 
                      actually work (added by JJM)
DONE [.5] 2005-02-17: Umit and Anish to complete editorial work on 
                      media type description before ftf
?         2005-02-17: Jacekk to help Bijan advance the RDF mapping work
DONE [.8] 2005-03-03: Jonathan to formalize the CR criteria bag and 
                      drop "testing type system extensibility" into it 
?         2005-03-03: Jonathan will ask the WG what is the publication 
                      plan for the type system note around 3/17. 
?         2005-03-03: Asir to double check the subissues of 76d to 
                      see if they should be raised as issues and to 
                      do so. 
?         2005-03-04: Umit to add a warning along the lines of: 
                      "The intent of the expectedMediaType attribute 
                      is to allow WSDL authors to indicate the range 
                      of media types that are acceptable for the 
                      binary data for which it is defined for, hence 
                      it serves as an design time indicator for 
                      possible contentType values that are expected.
                      Therefore, authors are recommended to use wild 
                      cards with care, and recommended to indicate the 
                      list of media types if the set is limited." 
DONE [.3] 2005-03-04: Media type editors to rename xmlmime: to xmime 
?         2005-03-04: Editors to merge parts 2 and 3, move the rpc 
                      style from part 1 into it and name the result 
?         2005-03-04: Roberto to come up with a proposal for LC75g
                      (wildcards in rpc style)


4.  Administrivia
  a. Upcoming FTF dates:
   - April 21-22, Mountain View (Microsoft)
     Registration [.1] Logistics [.2]
   - May 30 Berlin?


5. Primer [.1]
 - DBooth and Kevin solicit help for Advanced Topics section [.2]
 - Volunteers for the following sections:
   + Section 7.2 Features and Properties (Glen)
   + Section 7.3 Import mechanism and authoring style (Arthur)
   + Section 7.4 Multiple Logical WSDL Documents Describing the 
                 Same Service (David)
   + Section 7.5 Versioning and Service Equivalency (Paul)
   + Section 7.6 MTOM Support (Marsh)
   + Section 7.8 Operation Style and RPC (Umit)
   + Section 7.11 Service References (Arthur)
   + Section 7.12 XML Schema Examples  (Paul)
   + Section 7.13 Multiple In-Line Schemas (Arthur)
   + Section 7.14 The schemaLocation Attribute (Arthur)
   + Section 7.15 Mapping to RDF and Semantic Web (Bijan Jacek)
 - Sections marked as "at risk" if no volunteer can be found:
   + Section 7.7 Security Considerations

 - Propose closing Issue LC89i: Need Primer [.3]


6.  Media Type Description issues [.1]
  - Issue resolutions have been incorporated [.2]
  - Review (briefly) and close editorial issues marked "no change"
    - 256, 257
    - 269 (expectedContentTypes)
    - 275, 276, 277 (xs:base64Binary vs. xmime:base64Binary)
  - Propose to close accepted editorial issues:
    - 253, 254, 255, 264, 265, 267, 274


7.  Last Call Issues [.1].  Comments list [.2]
  - In-Multi-Out MEP [.3]


8.  Feature & Property composition issues
  - Propose to close LC20 [.1] LC27 [.2]
  - Arthur and Asir reported no further edge cases.


9.  Component model necessary?  Z notation necessary?
  - We don't have an open issue on the thread [.1].


10. Component model changes
  - LC105: Proposal for Simplifications to the Component Model [.2]
    - Arthur's modification to the LC105 proposal [.3]
    - Need to decide whether to allow "property" extensions at the 
      top level.
    - Resolutions so far:
      + Add constraint that top-level components must be unique.
      + Add parent property to nested components.


11. Issue LC75u: Add wsdl:documentation to the component model [.1]


12. Issue LC80: Extension Components are not Described [.1]


13. Issue LC83: The Component Model Does Not Enforce Component
                Nesting [.1]


14. Issue LC99: Message Reference Component is Underspecified [.1]


15. Issue LC54: WSDL Last Call issue
  - Awaiting DaveO's further action to cast @compatibleWith as an


16. Issue LC84b:  [.1]
  - Hugo's draft proposal [.2]


17. Issue LC74: Idle question [.1]
  - Can WSDL 2.0 import WSDL 1.0?
  - Note that the resolution to LC5e [.2] defines WSDL Document as 
    WSDL 2.0 namespace.
  - Options:
    a) No.  Spec (with LC5e resolution) is clear enough.
    b) No.  Specifically note that i*ing 1.1 docs is not supported.
    c) Yes.  Change spec to define that this is possible, though
       how to turn a WSDL 1.1 doc into WSDL 2.0 components is not

18. Issue LC75w: WSDL 2.0 LC Comments (w) [.1]
  - Relax requirement that include href must be dereferencable.


19. Other issues if time allows (ha!)

Received on Wednesday, 9 March 2005 18:01:57 UTC