Primer ready for review and special thanks to contributors

Hi all,

I have completed incorporating all the contributions I have received as
of today to the latest draft of the Primer in
ml . There are still a few Ed notes need to be removed based on the
completion of pending AIs. I would invite the group to have a look at
the draft and let me know if you spot any errors (including typos and
inconsistencies) or have any comments. I will try best to do a last
round editing next week before the LC publication. 

The following is my record of the contributors to various primer
sections. Unfortunately for some sections I have lost track either
because the contribution was put in a long time ago or I was not
directly involved in the incorporation of the contribution to the
primer. Can you please confirm/correct me if I miss any contributor or
mistake any of the sections  especially the ones with question marks?  

As the editor of the primer, I would like to thank all of you who have
taken the initiative and put a lot of energy to contribute to the
primer. We will not be able to bring the primer to its shape today
without your valuable contribution! As the primer is indeed a joint work
of all of us, once the list is confirmed, I would suggest that we add a
special acknowledgement section to the end of the primer.

Basic Topic Sections				Contributors
-------------------------------				------------

Interface Faults					Arthur
SOAP 11 Binding				Asir
HTTP Binding					DavidO (part of Dave's
initial contribution is incorporated into ad topic 10)

Advanced Topic Sections 			Contributors

1.Extensibility					DavidB?
2.F&P 						Glen
3.Defining new MEPS				Amy 
4.Import mechinism and authoring style 		Arthur
5.Multiple Interfaces for the Same Service	DavidB
6.Web Service Versioning			Paul & DavidO
7.MTOM Support				Jonathan 
8.RPC Style					Umit
9.Enabling Easy Message Dispatch		Umit (who made the
initial contribution to this section?)
10.Decribing Web Service Messages that 
refer to other Web service 			DavidO

11.Importing Schemas				Arthur
12.Mapping to RDF and Semantic Web		Jacek & Bijan?
13.Notes on URIs				DavidB?

Best Regards,

Received on Friday, 17 June 2005 23:39:02 UTC