Agenda, 28 July 2005 WS Desc telcon

0.  Dial in information (members only) [.1]:

See the public WG page [.2] for pointers to current documents and other
information, and the private page [.3] for administrative matters.

If you have additions to the agenda, please email them to the WG list
before the start of the telcon.



1.  Assign scribe.  Lucky minute taker for this week is one of:
      Jeff Mischkinsky, Kevin Liu, David Orchard, Dale Moberg, 
      Allen Brookes, Jacek Kopecky, Glen Daniels, Anish Karmarkar

2.  Approval of minutes:
  - July 14 telcon [.1]
  - July 20, 21 FTF [.2, .3] and Summary [.4]


3.  Review of Action items [.1].

?         2005-06-16: Amy to provide test cases for MEPs not described
                      in Part 2, due 2005-07. 
?         2005-07-14: Roberto find comments Amy proposed to schema and
                      added them 
DONE [.2] 2005-07-14: Marsh to send a mail flushing out implementations.

DONE [.3] 2005-07-20: Marsh to respond to all comments. 
DONE FTF  2005-07-20: Arthur to investigate LC91/96 and Noah's proposed
DONE [.4] 2005-07-20: Marsh to reply to Noah about LC91(?) saying that 
                      our spec already covers his concern 
?         2005-07-20: dorchard to respond to commenter on keeping 
?         2005-07-21: pauld to write a proposal for a working group 
                      report for requirements for schema evolution 
                      following closure of LC124 
DONE [.5] 2005-07-21: amy to withdraw Tibco's participation from the 
                      formal objection on the ONR 
?         2005-07-21: arthur to review the status of IBM's formal 
                      objection to the ONR 
DONE [.6] 2005-07-21: jonathan to review the status of Microsoft's 
                      formal objection to the ONR 

Current Editorial Action Items
?         2005-07-20: Editors to incorporate amended proposal from 
                      Jonathan as regards LC75f resolution 
                      (attributes for RPC). 
?         2005-07-20: Part two editors to incorporate text for section 
                      on security considerations, as approved 
?         2005-07-20: editors to clarify that setting wsoap:action sets 
                      the soap action property on all messages in 
?         2005-07-20: editors to incorporate the proposed text from 
                      Noah for LC96 into section 4.2 of part one. 
?         2005-07-20: editors to replace "with some additional 
                      restrictions" in section 3.1.1 by "with the 
                      differences defined in this and the following 
?         2005-07-21: Editors of Part 2 to implement 1a (error if 
                      mustUnderstand conflicts with schema def) 
?         2005-07-21: amy to write abstract for alt schema languages 
                      and to do some cleanup under jonathan's direction 
?         2005-07-21: editors of note to add references to wsdl 
                      documents (RNG, etc.) 
?         2005-07-21: Arthur to add stable identifiers for each 


4.  Administrivia
 a. Upcoming FTF dates:
    - Sept 29-30 Bay Area (host TBD)
    - Nov 9 (joint) 10-11 Tokyo [.1]
 b. Upcoming telcons:
    - August holidays: telcons cancelled August 4, 11, 18, 25.
    - Next telcon: Sept 1.


5.  Last Call publication status
  - Notational conventions [.1]
  - Import questions [.2] Any clarifications necessary?
  - End date Sept 19th.
    + Schema may be late, we'll know in 2 weeks.
    + Extend Primer end date?
  - Editorial status & expected pub date.
    + Core
    + Adjuncts
    + Primer
    + SOAP 1.1 Binding
    + Alt Schema Lang note


6.  RDF Mapping status
  - Reported to the CG this deliverable was at risk to some extent. 
    What is the WG's position on this deliverable at this point?  I
    hope Bijan can join us to help determine the state and expectations
    for this item.

7.  AOB

Received on Tuesday, 26 July 2005 23:27:04 UTC