- From: Jonathan Marsh <jmarsh@microsoft.com>
- Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2005 12:14:33 -0700
- To: <www-ws-desc@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <7DA77BF2392448449D094BCEF67569A50854F02B@RED-MSG-30.redmond.corp.microsoft.com>
Encl. [Please verify attendance list!] Summary follows: Wed 20 July Future FTFs: Sept 29-30 Bay Area(host TBD) Nov 9-11 Tokyo (Hitachi) LC75f: ACTION: Editors to incorporate amended proposal from Jonathan as regards LC75f resolution (attributes for RPC). ACTION: Marsh to respond to all comments. LC76c: ACTION: Part two editors to incorporate text for section on security considerations, as approved LC91: ACTION: Arthur to investigate LC91/96 and Noah's proposed rewording LC84b: RESOLUTION: No action Hugo notes a bug re: soapAction ACTION: editors to clarify that setting wsoap:action sets the soap action property on all messages in operation. LC72: RESOLUTION: LC72 to be returned to objector with the summary agreed; if faults aren't characterized, then we can't usefully offer further guidance in the specification LC91: ACTION: editors to incorporate the proposed text from Noah for LC96 into section 4.2 of part one. LC96: ACTION: editors to replace "with some additional restrictions" in section 3.1.1 by "with the differences defined in this and the following section." ACTION: Marsh to reply to Noah about LC91(?) saying that our spec already covers his concern LC76d: ACTION: dorchard to respond to commenter on keeping mustUnderstand Thur 21 July LC124: RESOLUTION: Close with no action; there may be formal objections; the WG may pursue this topic within the context of a separate deliverable. ACTION: pauld to write a proposal for a working group report for requirements for schema evolution following closure of LC124 LC76d: ACTION: Editors of Part 2 to implement 1a (error if mustUnderstand conflicts with schema def) RESOLUTION: Proposal accepted: "{mustUnderstand} REQUIRED. A xs:boolean. When its value is "true", the SOAP header block MUST be decorated with a SOAP mustUnderstand attribute information item with a value of "true". Otherwise, no additional constraint is placed on the presence and value of a SOAP mustUnderstand attribute information item. Last Call: RESOLUTION: Publish core, adjuncts, primer, soap 1.1 binding as LC (ending 19 Sept.) Alternative Schema Languages note: ACTION: amy to write abstract for alt schema languages and to do some cleanup under jonathan's direction ACTION: editors of note to add references to wsdl documents (RNG, etc.) RESOLUTION: publish document as a wg note after some editorial work Common Schema Structures: Tabled until Sept. FTF. Formal Objections: ACTION: amy to withdraw Tibco's participation from the formal objection on the ONR ACTION: arthur to review the status of IBM's formal objection to the ONR ACTION: jonathan to review the status of Microsoft's formal objection to the ONR Test Assertions: RESOLUTION: Each assertion will be marked up in the spec with a stable Identifier. [ACTION: Arthur to add stable identifiers for each assertion.]
- text/html attachment: 20050720-ws-desc-minutes.html
- text/html attachment: 20050721-ws-desc-minutes.html
Received on Friday, 22 July 2005 19:14:59 UTC