Re: Question re: WSDL 2.o and (schema) xs:import


We don't want to change the behavior of <xs:import>. It is not transitive 
in XSD. You need to explicitly import a namespace in any XSD that refers 
to it.

Arthur Ryman,
Rational Desktop Tools Development

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"RDBMS" <> 
Sent by:
06/28/2005 08:32 PM

Question re: WSDL 2.o and (schema) xs:import

I've been doing some research on the draft of WSDL 2.0 and found the WSDL 
2.0 editorial note re: "xs:import not being transitive".
I am somewhat concerned as xs:import (both cascading through and across 
multiple target namespaces) is both a valuable and critical capability of 
XML Schema. 
The ability to import a cascading chain of namespace qualified resources 
from multiple schemas (and multiple targetNamespaces) is core to reuse of 
modular schema artifacts.
I am not sure why this capability would be eliminated from WSDL ?
I've not found further annotation as to discussion or possible resolution 
of the question and was hoping that you might provide additional insight 
or perspective, or possibly help to influence the WSDL 2.0 to consider how 
important this capability is.
Thank you !
James Bean

Received on Monday, 11 July 2005 21:20:18 UTC