Re: SOAP Header Blocks in WSDL (was RE: First Class Headers - Pr oposed Resolution for LC76d


> 1) it can't be validated

I didn't say that. It can be validated. But, the order is insignificant.
Similar (not the same) to (member

> 2) it's unduly burdensome
> That is, the author of a binding, not the author of an interface,

That is the tradeoff in this approach.

> 3) it's brittle
> A deployed service cannot reasonably and easily extend the types
> defined for headers in a way that describes new requirements,

I like to know how status quo supports this.

> 4) it's obscure
> Information about binding requirements are buried in the type system,
> requiring an author to find the required use (in the example) of

I like to know how status quo supports this. BTW, in Part 2, section 3.1.4,,
required, optional, choice, maxOccurs, etc. are buried in the type system.

> /me has a heart attack and sprawls across the road

Oh, another one :-)

Asir S Vedamuthu
asirv at webmethods dot com

Received on Wednesday, 2 February 2005 19:06:33 UTC