Re: Data Access WG questions about WSDL

* Hugo Haas <> [2005-08-16 15:01+0200]
> > 2. Our interface, SparqlQuery, has one operation, query. The Media Type of
> > the message returned by query depends on the kind of query submitted to the
> > service: SELECT and ASK return application/sparql-results+xml; DESCRIBE &
> > CONSTRUCT return application/rdf+xml.
> > 
> > So, the question: is there a way to say that the whttp:outputSerialization
> > of an operation binding is one of 2 or more Media Types? We have *no other
> > reason* to split the query operations into separate operations. Both
> > application/sparql-results+xml and application/rdf+xml *can* be described as
> > application/xml, but we'd like to be able to describe our service more
> > accurately than that.
> The value of whttp:outputSerialization is "a IANA media type
> token"[1], which interestingly doesn't have a reference to define it
> clearly, but I don't think that it allows something like
> "application/*", or "application/sparql-results+xml
> application/rdf+xml", or even "application/sparql-results+xml,
> application/rdf+xml".
> So WSDL doesn't allow you to do what you want to.

As I'm reviewing the LC drafts, I've rediscovered the following:

  Accept headers. Standard HTTP accept headers (see section 14 of
  [IETF RFC 2616]) MAY be used in an HTTP request. When constructing
  an HTTP Accept header, the HTTP client MAY take into account the
  expectedMediaType information (see [MTXML]) appearing on an output
  message description to find out about the type of binary element
  content which is expected to be sent by the HTTP server.

That leads me to wonder: what's the relationship between
@expectedMediaType on an output message description and {http output
serialization}? I'm going to raise an issue about this.



Hugo Haas - W3C -

Received on Tuesday, 23 August 2005 16:07:58 UTC