Proposed resolutions for issues 146 and 150

Issues 146 [.1] and 150 [.2] were inadvertently left off the FTF agenda.
Sorry my bad.  Here's a simple proposal for addressing these issues,
assuming we find merit in adding this functionality.

Issue 146 Should WSDL be able to describe an operation with *anything*
in the message? [.1]

Issue 150 Indicating empty bodies [.2]

When using XML SchemaS, The element attribute points to a QName of a
GED, preventing either empty bodies, or unconstrained content.  Special
values of the element attribute could indicate these conditions.

Status quo:
  <xs:attribute name="element" type="xs:QName" use="optional" />

  <xs:attribute name="element" type="elementReference" use="optional" />

  <xs:simpleType name="elementReference">
      <xs:simpleType memberTypes="xs:QName">
        <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
          <xs:enumeration value="#any"/>
          <xs:enumeration value="#empty"/>

(I hope I have got that syntax right.  Should be enough to spark
discussion anyway...)


Received on Wednesday, 10 March 2004 12:56:27 UTC