Review: SOAP Data Model Schema Language

First, this technical draft proposes a simple language and is a good
starting point.

At the process level,

[1] Is WSD working group the right one to consider or produce another schema
language? Do we have sufficient interest for this?

Possible areas for expansion are,

[2] schema component model
[3] mapping from XML representation to schema component model
[4] validation rules
[5] polymorphic types (similar to xsi:type)
[6] simple wildcard mechanism
[7] versioning
[8] 'schema/import' jams both import and include mechanism; split this into

Possible enhancements to be considered are,

[9] simplify: eliminate array construct; can be achieved via, 
	<element name="Records" type="tns:Record" dimensions="1"/>

[10] ..
Jacek, Paul and I will work offline to investigate (and execute, if
necessary) what the next steps are for this SOAP Data Model Schema Language.

Asir S Vedamuthu
asirv at webmethods dot com

Received on Monday, 8 March 2004 12:15:04 UTC