interface/operation/{infault,outfault}/@name proposal

Here is the proposal the WG approved during the face-to-face meeting
this morning.


Language binding requirements

*	Allow deserializing faults to exception types in a programming
*	If a fault occurs in > 1 operation, map to the same exception


SOAP binding requirements

*	Specify SOAP faults that have code/subcode with optional detail.


Other requirements

*	Allow fault to occur in both an infault and an outfault.
*	Minimize redundant information to minimize risk of error.


<interface ... >

  <operation ...>

    <input messageReference='xs:NCName' // maps to field in pattern


           ... />

    <outfault name='xs:NCName'

              // target for binding/operation/outfault/@name

              // if used twice, means the same fault


              // maps to interface/operation/{input,output}/@messageRef

              // may match other faults in interface w/ same @name


              // must match other faults in interface w/ same @name

              ... />




<binding ... >

  <wsoap:FaultDefault name='xs:NCName' >

    // rollup like other operation-specific information

    // good for all instances of @name

    // explicitly does not include @messageRef

    <wsoap:Code> ... </wsoap:Code>


  <operation ... >

    <outfault name='xs:NCName'


              // required because same @name can occur within an

              // interface/operation with different @messageRef


      // overrides binding/wsoap:FaultDefault with same @name





          <wsoap:Subcode> ... </wsoap:Subcode>



      // Detail is just interface/operation/outfault/@detail






Received on Monday, 3 November 2003 15:41:42 UTC