RE: XSD vs. WSDL import

+1  - using the same term for different behavior seems very dangerous!

-----Original Message-----
From: Don Box []
Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2002 12:23 AM
Subject: XSD vs. WSDL import

If WSDL is going to define an element whose [local name], [children] and
[attributes] have a one to one correspondence to something defined in XML
Schema, it seems prudent to reuse the behavior as well (especially since
virtually all WSDL users are also XML Schema users). I worry about having
<wsdl:import> look and smell like <xsd:import> but to not work the same way.


If the WG is going to go with a single element that subsumes most of
<xsd:include> and <xsd:import> functionality (except for WSDL), I would
prefer to see the WG coin a new element name (perhaps Sanjiva's <wsdl:using>




Received on Thursday, 24 October 2002 11:30:43 UTC