Re: [Pub-Sub-Task] Web-friendly pub/sub

Hi Mark,

I like the RESTified version - simple. 

From a WSDL point of view, that's just a binding. So whatever
the abstract syntax we agree on, we could define a RESTified 
HTTP binding using the MONITOR method as you did quite easily.
The discussion we're having now is above binding details - its
more about how to tell someone that a service has something
it can notify others about (i.e., an event it can generate).
Everything in your example fits nicely under the approach I
proposed - you have a notification service reference (the
reply to header) plus subscription data which seems to indicate
what info the subscriber is interested in. 


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mark Baker" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, November 01, 2002 8:53 AM
Subject: [Pub-Sub-Task] Web-friendly pub/sub

> Hi all,
> I'll try to contribute to this TF where I feel I have something to add,
> but I did want to first point you to a Web-friendly publish/subscribe
> example that I constructed for the Web services architecture group (and
> designed for my company's software, FWIW).  By "Web-friendly" I mean a
> solution that respects all of REST's constraints, in particular the
> "uniform interface" constraint.
> A recent email of mine to www-ws-arch summarizes the two approaches,
> and I believe the REST based approach to be superior by any measure;
> Thanks.
> MB
> -- 
> Mark Baker, CTO, Idokorro Mobile.  Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA.

Received on Friday, 1 November 2002 05:16:15 UTC