RE: Issue: should WSDL allow overloaded methods?

 Hi all,
 not having followed the details of the previous discussion I may 
be repeating a point given already, therefore I'll be terse:
 If WSDL allows overloaded operations, how does it define them? 
 The most straightforward answer is that the input messages 
differ or that the output messages differ.
 How do we know messages differ? Is it their QNames? Is it their
parts and their names? Is it their parts and their WSDL
definitions? (element QName or type QName or any extension)  
Is it their parts and the schema definitions of said parts? How 
does one define different types in XML Schema?
 Regardless of the other (valid) points in the discussion, I
believe that if we allow overloaded methods we will face great
difficulty defining what we are allowing.
 For this reason and others presumably already stated, I believe
disallowing overloaded operations on the WSDL level is the right
way forward.
 Best regards,

                   Jacek Kopecky

                   Senior Architect, Systinet Corporation

Received on Monday, 27 May 2002 16:57:18 UTC