Re: Issue: Can One-Way operations return faults?

FYI, the SOAP 1.2 Request-Response MEP's state machine (what a long
name!) has a Fail state, which indicates a failure of the underlying
protocol, and a Success state. The Success state indicates that a valid
SOAP message was received. However, that message may turn out to be a
SOAP fault. So, in a sense, SOAP covers both types of faults (as should
be expected from a "protocol").


Keith Ballinger wrote:

> Agreed completely.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sanjiva Weerawarana []
> Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2002 7:04 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Issue: Can One-Way operations return faults?
> IMO one-way operations DO NOT return faults! We're of course talking
> about application level faults that are modeled in WSDL- if one
> indicates
> an application level fault then its no longer a one-way message!
> One can of course get many faults from the transport level for any
> message sent. WSDL doesn't model those faults for any case! That is,
> when opening a socket you may get an error, but obviously modeling
> that in WSDL would be very poor design!
> Sanjiva.

Received on Friday, 24 May 2002 06:38:56 UTC