RE: issue: optional parts in <message>?

Jean-Jacques Moreau [] wrote:
>Another example would be the Purchase Order at [1]. The WSDL definition
>would be:
>    <message name="purchase-order">
>        <part name="purchaseOrder" type="tns:PurchaseOrderType"/>
>    </message>
>but this is an oversimplification. In reality, the one liner above
>into the 66 lines schema at [2]. I think you are questioning why we
>want to expose only the top of the iceberg (i.e. the top-level EIIs)
>the wsdl:part element. On that example, it might be more appropriate to
>expose instead the 2nd level EIIs.

I agree. It seems logical to either: (a) expose the 2nd-level EIIs via
an explicit message EII and part EII (as WSDL 1.1 does), or (b) have
operations reference a global element declaration (as we've been
discussing). Enabling both feels unnecessarily complex.


Received on Wednesday, 8 May 2002 21:40:48 UTC