Abstract model ednote?

Since the text is in there already, I think we should keep it for this
round; but maybe add an ednote indicating that more changes are on the way.
What about the following?

WSDL 1.1 did not provide its own abstract model. The WSD WG has decided to
provide an asbtract model for WSDL 1.2; however, the WG has not reached
consensus on what that abstract model should look like. This section is an
attempt at providing such a model, but as said, it does not represent
consensus, and is likely to be revised significantly in the a future
revision of this specification.


Jonathan Marsh wrote:

> It was not the intention that we would do any significant work on
> abstract components before the first publication.  I'm OK with what
> you've written as a an indication of where we plan to go, but I hope
> it's not so controversial that it delays our publication schedule.
> > From: Sanjiva Weerawarana [mailto:sanjiva@watson.ibm.com]
> >
> > I agree I can go back to the "old" version of part1 and update
> > it. I personally felt that the "new" version was much clearer
> > and much more precise. I would really rather go with that than
> > go back to the old version which was quite sloppy at best.
> >
> > How do others feel??

Received on Tuesday, 25 June 2002 04:51:01 UTC