Ports, Names, Symbol Spaces and targetNamespace

According to WSDL 1.1 the value of the name attribute of all port
elements in a WSDL document must be unique. Effectively, ports have
their own symbol space, along with messages, portTypes, bindings and
services. However, ports do NOT take on the target namespace of the WSDL
document, so it is impossible to refer to them from elsewhere ( e.g.
from another WSDL document ). For consistency, it would make sense to
say that the names of ports need only be unique within the service they
are contained by.

Changes to spec:

In section 3.8 change:

The name attribute provides a unique name among all ports defined within
in the enclosing WSDL document


The name attribute provides a unique name among all ports defined within
a given service element

Changes to schema:

remove uniqueness constraint on wsdl:service/wsdl:port from definitions
global element declaration
Add uniqueness constraint for wsdl:port to service local element


Received on Tuesday, 25 June 2002 04:20:29 UTC