wsdl:import and xsd:import use clarification in WSDL spec


Going through the issues list, I am not quite sure of this particular 
aspect has been captured. Since WS-I BP ruled clearly on this, thought I 
would bring up and make sure we also accounted for this.

WS-I BP ruled that the "wsdl:import" statement can only be used to 
import another WSDL description and the schema "import" statement must 
be used within a <schema> element in <wsdl:types> to import XML Schema 
definitions into WSDL. Additionally the BP also ruled that the schema 
"import" statement must not be used to import schema definitions 
embedded in line within another WSDL. WSDL with schema definitions can 
be wsdl:imported as a whole.

Issue #21 is close but does not seem to address this particular aspect.

Regards, Prasad

Received on Wednesday, 4 December 2002 18:49:59 UTC