Re: Collecting issues against WSDL 1.1

Added 3 new issues (#39-41) out of 4.

I believe your 3rd issue below is already covered by issues #5 and #30; please let me
know if you think otherwise.


> wrote:
> > Jean-Jacques,
> >
> > Pls add this issues to the list:(See attached file:
> > See you in San Jose.
> >
> > Arthur Ryman, PhD
> > Senior Technical Staff Member
> > WebSphere Studio Advanced Development and Web Services Tools Architect
> >
> > phone: 905-413-3077, TL 969-3077
> > assistant: 905-413-2323, TL 969-2323
> > fax: 905-413-4920, TL 969-4920
> > intranet:
> >
> >   -----------------------------------------------------------------
> >                         Name:
> >    Type: Zip Compressed Data (application/x-zip-compressed)
> >                     Encoding: base64
> [WSDL 1.1 Issues.html converted to plain text.]
> WSDL 1.1 Issues
> Arthur Ryman
> 2002-04-07
> Introduction
> This document describes some issues with WSDL 1.1 that were encountered
> during the development of Web services tools at IBM. The main issues
> encountered are:
>   1. The binding extensions depend on the structure of the portType.
>   2. The binding extension for SOAP is defined in terms of features that
>      interact in a complex way.
>   3. The binding extension for SOAP cannot describe SOAP messages that mix
>      encoding styles at the message part level.
>   4. The binding extension for HTTP GET or POST does not cover the case of
>      attributes in a complex input type.
> These issues are described in more detail below.
> Binding Extensions Depend on the Structure of the portType
> The portType is supposed to represent the abstract interface of a service
> without reference to how the service is accessed. However, the current
> design couples the binding extensions with the structure of the portType
> making it necessary to define a separate portType for each binding
> extension. SOAP RPC Style, SOAP Document Style, and HTTP GET or PORT each
> require specific structure in the portType, yet all can be used to access
> the same logical service.
> It is useful to provide HTTP GET and POST endpoints for a service in
> addition to a SOAP/HTTP endpoint. Each endpoint should provide access to
> the same underlying service. It is therefore reasonable to expect that each
> endpoint should be bound to the same portType. The portType should be an
> abstract definition of the interface of the service. The bindings should
> describe how to access the service using a given protocol. However, the
> binding extensions for HTTP GET and POST are not defined in a way that
> allows them to use the same portType as SOAP/HTTP. To work around this
> problem, an additional, but semantically equivalent portType, must be
> defined.
> To illustrate this problem, consider a stock quote service that has a
> single operation, getQuote, that takes a string symbol as input and returns
> a float price as output. Consider the WSDL for this service as created
> using:
>    * IBM WebSphere Studio: IBMStockQuoteService.wsdl
>    * Microsoft Visual Studio .NET: MSStockQuoteService.wsdl
> WSDL 1.1 defines messages as collections of parts. It is therefore natural
> to define the input message as having a single part named symbol of type
> string, and the output message to have a single part named price or return
> of type float. With this definition of messages, the SOAP binding is
> naturally expressed using the RPC style. Listing 1 shows the SOAP binding
> definitions from IBMStockQuoteService.wsdl:
>         Listing 1. IBMStockQuoteService.wsdl SOAP RPC Style Binding
>    <message name="getQuoteInput">
>      <part name="symbol" type="xsd:string"/>
>    </message>
>    <message name="getQuoteSoapOutput">
>      <part name="return" type="xsd:float"/>
>    </message>
>    <portType name="theSoapPortType">
>      <operation name="getQuote">
>        <input message="tns:getQuoteInput"/>
>        <output message="tns:getQuoteSoapOutput"/>
>      </operation>
>    </portType>
>    <binding name="theSoapBinding" type="tns:theSoapPortType">
>      <soap:binding style="rpc"
>  transport=""/>
>      <operation name="getQuote">
>        <soap:operation
>  soapAction=""/>
>        <input>
>          <soap:body
>            encodingStyle=""
>            namespace=""
>            parts="symbol"
>            use="encoded"/>
>        </input>
>        <output>
>          <soap:body
>            encodingStyle=""
>            namespace=""
>            parts="return"
>            use="encoded"/>
>        </output>
>      </operation>
>    </binding>
> However, this portType cannot be used for HTTP GET or POST because the we
> want the output to be of MIME type text/xml. Simply returning a float is
> not allowed because a float is just an XML fragment, not a valid document.
> We therefore need to define a new output message and portType as shown in
> Listing 2.
>          Listing 2. IBM StockQuote.wsdl HTTP GET and POST Bindings
>    <types>
>      <schema
>  targetNamespace=""
>        xmlns=""
>        xmlns:tns="">
>        <element name="getQuoteResponse">
>          <complexType>
>            <sequence>
>              <element name="return" type="float"/>
>            </sequence>
>          </complexType>
>        </element>
>      </schema>
>    </types>
>    <message name="getQuoteGetPostOutput">
>      <part element="xsd1:getQuoteResponse" name="response"/>
>    </message>
>    <portType name="theGetPostPortType">
>      <operation name="getQuote">
>        <wsdl:documentation
>  xmlns:wsdl="">Gets a quote in US dollars
>  for a stock symbol.
>        </wsdl:documentation>
>        <input message="tns:getQuoteInput"/>
>        <output message="tns:getQuoteGetPostOutput"/>
>      </operation>
>    </portType>
>    <binding name="theGetBinding" type="tns:theGetPostPortType">
>      <http:binding verb="GET"/>
>      <operation name="getQuote">
>        <http:operation location="getQuote"/>
>        <input>
>          <http:urlEncoded/>
>        </input>
>        <output>
>          <mime:mimeXml/>
>        </output>
>      </operation>
>    </binding>
>    <binding name="thePostBinding" type="tns:theGetPostPortType">
>      <http:binding verb="POST"/>
>      <operation name="getQuote">
>        <http:operation location="getQuote"/>
>        <input>
>          <mime:content type="application/x-www-form-urlencoded"/>
>        </input>
>        <output>
>          <mime:mimeXml/>
>        </output>
>      </operation>
>    </binding>
> In Listing 2, getQuoteReponse has a root element that includes all the
> output message parts as children. This style of response accommodates any
> number of output message parts (zero, one, or more than one). Listing 3
> shows a typical response using the getQuoteResponse element (see
> IBMgetQuoteResponse.xml).
>        Listing 3. IBMStockQuoteService.wsdl HTTP GET or POST Response
>  <?xml version="1.0"?>
>  <xsd1:getQuoteResponse
>    xmlns:xsd1=""
>    xmlns:xsd=""
>    xmlns:xsi="">
>    <return xsi:type="xsd:float">100.0</return>
>  </xsd1:getQuoteResponse>
> The need for a different portType cannot be eliminated by using SOAP
> Document style instead of RPC style. Although Document style defines a
> suitable output message, the input message is not suitable for URL
> encoding. Although in this example, there is just one input message part,
> in general there will be more than one part and each part should be bound
> as a name=value portion of the query string in URL encoding. Listing 4
> shows the SOAP Document style bindings from MSStockService.wsdl.
>       Listing 4. MSStockQuoteService.wsdl SOAP Document Style Bindings
>    <types>
>      <s:schema elementFormDefault="qualified"
>  targetNamespace="">
>        <s:element name="getQuote">
>          <s:complexType>
>            <s:sequence>
>              <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="symbol"
>  type="s:string" />
>            </s:sequence>
>          </s:complexType>
>        </s:element>
>        <s:element name="getQuoteResponse">
>          <s:complexType>
>            <s:sequence>
>              <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="getQuoteResult"
>  type="s:float" />
>            </s:sequence>
>          </s:complexType>
>        </s:element>
>      </s:schema>
>    </types>
>    <message name="getQuoteSoapIn">
>      <part name="parameters" element="s0:getQuote" />
>    </message>
>    <message name="getQuoteSoapOut">
>      <part name="parameters" element="s0:getQuoteResponse" />
>    </message>
>    <portType name="StockQuoteServiceSoap">
>      <operation name="getQuote">
>        <input message="s0:getQuoteSoapIn" />
>        <output message="s0:getQuoteSoapOut" />
>      </operation>
>    </portType>
>    <binding name="StockQuoteServiceSoap" type="s0:StockQuoteServiceSoap">
>      <soap:binding transport=""
>  style="document" />
>      <operation name="getQuote">
>        <soap:operation
>  soapAction="" style="document"
>  />
>        <input>
>          <soap:body use="literal" />
>        </input>
>        <output>
>          <soap:body use="literal" />
>        </output>
>      </operation>
>    </binding>
> Note that the messages for the SOAP Document style binding are different
> than those for the SOAP RPC style binding even though they both describe
> the same service. Listing 5 shows the HTTP GET and POST bindings.
>        Listing 5. MSStockQuoteService.wsdl HTTP GET and POST Bindings
>    <types>
>      <s:schema elementFormDefault="qualified"
>  targetNamespace="">
>        <s:element name="float" type="s:float" />
>      </s:schema>
>    </types>
>    <message name="getQuoteHttpGetIn">
>      <part name="symbol" type="s:string" />
>    </message>
>    <message name="getQuoteHttpGetOut">
>      <part name="Body" element="s0:float" />
>    </message>
>    <message name="getQuoteHttpPostIn">
>      <part name="symbol" type="s:string" />
>    </message>
>    <message name="getQuoteHttpPostOut">
>      <part name="Body" element="s0:float" />
>    </message>
>    <portType name="StockQuoteServiceHttpGet">
>      <operation name="getQuote">
>        <input message="s0:getQuoteHttpGetIn" />
>        <output message="s0:getQuoteHttpGetOut" />
>      </operation>
>    </portType>
>    <portType name="StockQuoteServiceHttpPost">
>      <operation name="getQuote">
>        <input message="s0:getQuoteHttpPostIn" />
>        <output message="s0:getQuoteHttpPostOut" />
>      </operation>
>    </portType>
>    <binding name="StockQuoteServiceHttpGet"
>  type="s0:StockQuoteServiceHttpGet">
>      <http:binding verb="GET" />
>      <operation name="getQuote">
>        <http:operation location="/getQuote" />
>        <input>
>          <http:urlEncoded />
>        </input>
>        <output>
>          <mime:mimeXml part="Body" />
>        </output>
>      </operation>
>    </binding>
>    <binding name="StockQuoteServiceHttpPost"
>  type="s0:StockQuoteServiceHttpPost">
>      <http:binding verb="POST" />
>      <operation name="getQuote">
>        <http:operation location="/getQuote" />
>        <input>
>          <mime:content type="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" />
>        </input>
>        <output>
>          <mime:mimeXml part="Body" />
>        </output>
>      </operation>
>    </binding>
> Here an element named float is defined to wrap the float result. This style
> assumes there is a single output message part. Note that although two
> portTypes are defined here, they are the same. Listing 6 shows a typical
> response using the float element (see MSgetQuoteResponse.xml).
>        Listing 6. MSStockQuoteService.wsdl HTTP GET or POST Response
>  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
>  <float xmlns="">100</float>
> As can be seen from these examples, the portType is strongly coupled to the
> binding extension which prevents portTypes from being reused across
> different binding extensions.
> Potential Solutions
>    * Expand the definitions of the binding extensions so they can be
>      applied to any portType. For example, in the HTTP GET or POST
>      bindings, define how the response is generated from a message that has
>      several parts.
>    * Eliminate message definitions and instead define portTypes directly in
>      terms of XML Schema types. Use XPath to bind parts of the schema to
>      the protocol.
> The binding extension for SOAP is defined in terms of features that
> interact in a complex way
> The binding extension for SOAP depends on the following features:
>    * The message part XSD style, either type or element.
>    * The SOAP style, either RPC or Document.
>    * The encoding style, either literal or encoded.
>    * The direction of the message, either input or output.
> Since each of these four properties has two values, there are a total of
> sixteen possible combinations. The text of the WSDL 1.1 specification
> should be clearer about how these properties interact and which
> combinations are valid since not all seem to be. Each combination should be
> enumerated and described clearly, and illustrated with an example.
> It is important to establish the validity and interpretation of each
> combination in order to improve interoperability between vendors. For
> example, the current version of WebSphere Studio creates services that use
> literal encoding in RPC style, but the current version of Microsoft Visual
> Studio .NET does not support the generation of Web references to that type
> of service. It is not clear whether this restriction is based on a belief
> that the combination is not valid, or is simply a prioritization of
> function delivery.
> The binding extension for SOAP cannot describe SOAP messages that mix
> encoding styles at the message part level
> The SOAP 1.1 specification allows an encodingStyle attribute to be used on
> any element of a SOAP message (see 4.1.1 SOAP encodingStyle Attribute). For
> example, each part of a message could be encoded using a different style.
> In practice, some parts might be SOAP encoded while others are literal.
> However, in WSDL 1.1, encoding can only be specified at the message level.
> Therefore WSDL 1.1 cannot accurately describe services that use more than
> one encoding styles in a single message.
> The binding extension for HTTP GET or POST does not cover the case of
> attributes in a complex input type
> In WSDL 1.1 it is possible to defined an input message part that is a
> complex XML schema type. For example, Listing 7 shows Person.xsd which
> defines the complex type PersonType.
>                            Listing 7. Person.xsd
>  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>  <schema xmlns=""
>  targetNamespace="" xmlns:Person="">
>      <complexType name="PersonType">
>          <sequence>
>              <element name="name" type="string"></element>
>              <element name="birthdate" type="date"></element>
>          </sequence>
>      </complexType>
>  </schema>
> The WSDL 1.1 specification does not explicitly describe how to URL encode
> complex types, but a reasonable interpretation is to use the serialized
> content as a the query string value. For example, suppose an input message
> has a part named employee of type PersonType. This part would be passed in
> a query string as:
> employee=<name>John Doe</name><birthdate>1960-01-01</birthdate>
> Now suppose that PersonType had an attribute named sex as defined in
> PersonAttr.xsd which is shown in Listing 8.
>                          Listing 8. PersonAttr.xsd
>  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>  <schema xmlns=""
>  targetNamespace="" xmlns:Person="">
>      <complexType name="PersonType">
>          <sequence>
>              <element name="name" type="string"></element>
>              <element name="birthdate" type="date"></element>
>          </sequence>
>          <attribute name="sex" type="string"></attribute>
>      </complexType>
>  </schema>
> How would this be passed in a query string? Clearly the WSDL 1.1 is silent
> on this topic. The WSDL 1.1 specification should either explicitly disallow
> attributes, or should define some serialization that can be used with URL
> encoding, e.g. prefix the content with a comma-separated list of attribute
> values enclosed in square brackets:
> employee=[sex(male)]<name>John Doe</name><birthdate>1960-01-01</birthdate>
> Conclusion
> The above issues indicate that perhaps the notion of message parts is not
> flexible enough to achieve the goal of defining portTypes that can be used
> in different binding extensions. A way out of this problem might be to
> directly use XML Schema to define the input and output messages of a
> service and to interpret these schemas as abstract. Certainly XML Schema is
> expressive enough as a data definition language. Using XML Schema would
> eliminate any binding-oriented bias that the use of message parts
> introduces.
> The problem of defining message parts is then shifted to the binding
> extension. In the case of SOAP Document binding, the abstract XML Schema
> definitions can be regarded as concrete. In the case of SOAP RPC, message
> parts could be defined using XPath expressions. A limited subset of XPath
> should be adequate for this purpose. Similarly, for HTTP GET and POST, the
> inputs could be defined using XPath and the output can directly use the XML
> Schema.

Received on Tuesday, 9 April 2002 04:13:28 UTC