Re: Web Services Core Working Group Charter

A minor fix and a comment: 

1.2 out of scope
"The Working Group will not only apply changes of classes 4" should be
"The Working Group will not apply changes of classes 4"  - not only has
the opposite meaning here.

3. participation
If I understand it correctly, the idea is that everybody can get
themselves invited as Invited experts. I think this should be spelled
out in the second paragraph, because otherwise the first paragraph is
not tied to it.

Otherwise seems good,

On Tue, 2007-05-22 at 15:01 +0000, Philippe Le Hegaret wrote:
> Dear Chairs,
> Here is a first draft for the Web Services Core Working Group Charter:
> I believe I included everything I heard in the past few months, with the
> exemption of mentioning doing Web Services interoperability events. It
> is not clear to me if we have consensus around that. Note that the fact
> that it is not mentioned doesn't preclude the Group for organizing some
> though.
> I also had side discussions with Ian and other folks during the AC
> meeting. The PSIG may decide to address the question of second editions
> and their relation to the W3C Patent Policy. I'm moving forward for the
> moment on the charter, knowingly ignoring the fact that the PSIG may
> recommend against the charter in the future.
> I would also welcome feedback on the level of participation that would
> be expected from the W3C Team. As an example, the XML Core Working Group
> has 5% time on it, though it varies a lot nowadays due to the
> coordination on c14n 1.1 and HRRI. My sense is that this Group will
> require more resources than that.
> Philippe

Received on Tuesday, 22 May 2007 15:23:26 UTC