RE: Publication of first working draft on web services internationalization

Based on discussion by the WSDL WG based on an initial review by Tony
Rogers, we'd like to make the following comments about this spec.

In general, this draft is in good shape.
Some minor points:
1.	although it refers to WSDL repeatedly, starting from the third
line of the introduction, it does not include a reference to WSDL in the
References appendix. 
2.	also in the References appendix, it has a reference to
WS-Routing, but the spec referenced is WS-Addressing. 
3.	Example 4 could be confusing. It contains two instances of a
preferences element, despite the first item in section 3.4 stating that
only one preferences element is permitted. This example could lead a
less careful reader to believe multiple preferences elements are
4.	Example 5 makes two references to a language spec of "de_DE" -
should this be "de-DE"? 
5.	Says "here are some document examples", but gives only one.
Perhaps more will be added shortly? 
6.	Section 3.2 lists, in the first paragraph, special language tags
"$neutral" and "$default". Should it also list "$user"? "$user" is
covered in Section 4, but should probably appear in 3.2 as well. 
7.	In Example 6, the constraint element needs clarification. The
value shown, "locale:$user", is not a valid value for this element
(should be a valid QName pointing to a schema type, ideally illustrated
within the spec as well).

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of Felix Sasaki
Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2005 4:04 PM
Subject: Publication of first working draft on web services

Dear Web Services Coordination Group,

This mail is to inform you that the i18n core working group [1] has  
published a first working draft on web services internationalization.
The document describes enhancements to SOAP messaging to provide  
internationalized and localized operation via locale and international  
preference negotiation. These mechanisms can be used to accommodate a
variety of development models for international usage. WS-I18N also  
provides a general-purpose mechanism for associating a "locale policy"  
with messages. It is designed to be extensible (e.g. support multiple  
international preferences and locale identifier models).

We would appreciate your feedback very much.

Best regards,

Felix Sasaki (team contact of the i18n core wg)


Received on Thursday, 27 October 2005 23:16:10 UTC