Re: Usage Scenarios Task Force

Yes, I think this will work well. Thanks!


Jonathan Marsh wrote:

> Chris,
> I understand that the Architecture group has formed or is forming a
> sub-committee or task force on Usage Scenarios.  Earlier we had planned
> to have some sort of a joint task force between Arch and Desc to
> coordinate Usage Scenarios.  It sounds like now is a good time to get
> down to specifics.
> Thinking it might be appropriate to nominate a few members of the
> Description group for a joint task force, we asked for volunteers.  The
> volunteers were Sandeep Kumar, Jeff Mischkinsky, Igor Sedukhin, and (we
> are hoping) Waqar Sadiq.  Sandeep and Waqar are also the editors of our
> Usage Scenarios (eventually to be Use Cases) document.  Fortunately all
> of these volunteers are also members of the Architecture group, which
> simplifies logistics significantly.
> I propose that these volunteers participate in your Usage Scenarios task
> force with a role of WS Desc WG joint task force members (without
> prejudicing whether they have other roles as well.)
> These members will be responsible for representing the views of the Desc
> WG, and communicating progress back to the WG.  There is apparently no
> need for the WGs to jointly approve the work of the task force.  For
> Usage Scenarios, we had already agreed that the Arch group would "own"
> the document, and our feedback would be informally through our joint
> task force participation and formally through WG-to-WG comments.  For
> the Description Use Cases document, we would "own" that document and the
> Architecture groups feedback would similarly be informally through joint
> task force participation, and formally through WG-to-WG comments.
> Do you think this plan meets the needs and expectations of the
> Architecture Group?

Received on Thursday, 2 May 2002 20:40:41 UTC