Usage Scenarios Task Force


I understand that the Architecture group has formed or is forming a
sub-committee or task force on Usage Scenarios.  Earlier we had planned
to have some sort of a joint task force between Arch and Desc to
coordinate Usage Scenarios.  It sounds like now is a good time to get
down to specifics.

Thinking it might be appropriate to nominate a few members of the
Description group for a joint task force, we asked for volunteers.  The
volunteers were Sandeep Kumar, Jeff Mischkinsky, Igor Sedukhin, and (we
are hoping) Waqar Sadiq.  Sandeep and Waqar are also the editors of our
Usage Scenarios (eventually to be Use Cases) document.  Fortunately all
of these volunteers are also members of the Architecture group, which
simplifies logistics significantly.

I propose that these volunteers participate in your Usage Scenarios task
force with a role of WS Desc WG joint task force members (without
prejudicing whether they have other roles as well.)

These members will be responsible for representing the views of the Desc
WG, and communicating progress back to the WG.  There is apparently no
need for the WGs to jointly approve the work of the task force.  For
Usage Scenarios, we had already agreed that the Arch group would "own"
the document, and our feedback would be informally through our joint
task force participation and formally through WG-to-WG comments.  For
the Description Use Cases document, we would "own" that document and the
Architecture groups feedback would similarly be informally through joint
task force participation, and formally through WG-to-WG comments.

Do you think this plan meets the needs and expectations of the
Architecture Group?

Received on Thursday, 2 May 2002 19:16:27 UTC