Re: Issues to think about in the MOM

At 02:51 PM 2003-11-20, Mark Baker wrote:
> > 5. HTTP redirection (Status code 30x)
>Well, that's not technically an intermediary scenario, as the redirect
>is a result of the message reaching the ultimate receiver.  But the URI
>of the resource producing the redirect is part of the message, if that's
>what you mean.

Try this in for size ...

An HTTP proxy that is somewhat aware of SOAP.  If it detects POST with 
Content-type: application/soap+xml, it redirects the sender to a SOAP 
intermediary, which knows more about processing the SOAP message than the 
HTTP proxy.  The SOAP intermediary enforces a policy that says all outgoing 
SOAP messages must have a dsig of the body signed by some set of authorized 
signers.  So, upon redirection to the SOAP intermediary, it looks at SOAP 
header blocks, and if an appropriate dsig is not present, it redirects to 
another SOAP intermediary that can append the dsig (perhaps after human 
review) and then forward the message on its merry way.


Received on Tuesday, 25 November 2003 01:11:24 UTC