Summary of document restructuring agreed to in Rennes

[I believe that Dave and Frank are going to talk today to make sure the
Rennes decisions get captured in the document.  This is the state of what I
was working on to clarify the action items to the editors before the call

In partial fufillment of one of my action items, here is my interpretation
(and interpolation, based on some private discussions) of the the WSA
document structure changes we more or less agreed to at the last F2F.  To
avoid confusion, numeric references refer to the outline of the current
working draft, and capitalized labels will refer to the proposed structure.
Thus,  "Section 1.6.3" would refer to a position in the draft, whereas I
might refer to it as FUNDAMENTAL_CONCEPTS/SOA_AND_REST when talking about
the new structure.

I think we should separate Section 1 into two parts INTRODUCTION and
FUNDAMENTAL_CONCEPTS.  The former would be a regular introduction that talks
about the problems we're trying to solve, how we went about solving them,
and what we think we've accomplished.  The latter would contain sections 1.5
though 1.7 and also cover other concepts that are a) important to WSA, but
b) defined by someone else or defined in so many different ways that we can
only refer to a "common sense by a member of the community" understanding of
what they mean.  It's possible, for example, that "synchronous/asynchronous"
fall into that category.  Clearly this is a fundamental concept, but not one
that we will try to own the definition of.


Old Section 1: 
We need to make sure all the organization stuff in 1.3 goes in the
INTRODUCTION and  all substantive discussions are moved elsewhere, probably

The IS-A and HAS-A definitions go in the FUNDAMENTAL_CONCEPTS

FUNDAMENTAL_CONCEPTS/WHAT_IS_A_WEB_SERVICE is a trout pond, of course, but
we need to nail down what we can say and what we just have to apologize for
:-) Roger seemed to think that what I wrote in might be
useful in this context.

The role of humans in the WSA needs to be consolidated and clarified in

FUNDAMENTAL_CONCEPTS needs the venn diagram stuff, which will require major
discussion, which the chairs should schedule. 

early/late, MEPs, and synch/asynch ?

Received on Friday, 30 May 2003 09:39:41 UTC