Re: Magic

On Sat, May 17, 2003 at 08:38:32PM +0100, Jim Webber wrote:
> I suspect this is not feasible for everyone to do. However, if the REST
> contingent would perhaps post a simple application somewhere we could
> download, install, and marvel at it perhaps some of these issues would go
> away. Or at least the non-REST crowd could argue on a more informed basis.

I like my lightbulb example.  It's worked on two previous occasions to
give folks epiphanies;

GET on a URI returns "0" or "1" depending on the state of the bulb.
PUT on that same URI with "0" turns the bulb off, "1" turns it on.

That's it, at least to get your head around state transfer, and past
the mistaken assumption that the Web is for humans.

I recommend followups to too.

Mark Baker.   Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA.
Web architecture consulting, technical reports, evaluation & analysis
  Actively seeking contract work or employment

Received on Saturday, 17 May 2003 18:58:52 UTC