Re: [ws-chor] 4/29/2003: Updated Glossary of Terms

Since we are currently editing the WSA spec, we need a placeholder for  
the notions of Choreography and probably orchestration.

I propose the following:


The pattern of interactions, expressed as a pattern of types of  
messages, between a set of service requestors and providers. A  
description of a choreography may include a description of the  
necessary states that give rise to the particular message patterns.

In contract, Orchestration would be:

A mechanism for ensuring that a set of service providers and requestors  
exchange messages in accordance to a choreography.

We would appreciate comments on these definitions, as a new heart-beat  
spec will be published shortly.

Of course, if WS-CHOR comes to consensus on these terms, the WSA will  
be updated acccordingly.

Frank McCabe

On Tuesday, April 29, 2003, at 12:46  PM, Monica J. Martin wrote:

> Everyone,
> Sorry for a delay. Here are the updated terms in an Excel .xls. I've  
> added columns as we work through the definitions (normative or  
> informative) we wish to use.
> In comments column, we have open questions. We also can discuss which  
> terms are currently seen in scope for WS-Chor and others that may be  
> TBD as we flesh through the requirements.
> I hope this is a good start - it takes all comments received (Hugo,  
> Cummins, Arkin, Dart, believe that is it......).
> Thanks.
> Monica
> Martin Chapman wrote:
>> _________________________________________________________________
>> Martin Chapman                                 500 Oracle Parkway
>> Consulting Member of Technical Staff           Ms 4op990
>> Oracle                                         Redwood Shores,
>> P: +1 650 506 6941                             CA 94065
>> e:                   USA
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
>> --
>> *W3C Web Services Choreography Working Group weekly conference call*
>> * *
>> *29^nd  April 2003*
>> Dial in information (members only):  
>> *1.            **Role Call*
>> *2.            **Confirm scribe*
>> The following is a list of recent scribes (in order): Abbie Barbir,  
>> David Burdett, John Dart, Carol MacDonald, Yaron Goland, Daniel  
>> Austin, Jim Hendler,  Peter Furniss, Ed Peters, Greg Ritzinger,  
>> Leonard Greski
>> *3.            **Approve minute
>> *
>> *4.            ** *
>> 20030422-1.html
>> *5.            **Action Item Review*
>> Hugo Haas: Creation of editors mailing list is in progress due to be  
>> complete by the end of the week :
>> Possible hosting of a future face 2 face meeting on the East Coast by  
>> Novel, Sun and Sonic respectively.
>> SRT will prepare list of places for harvesting use cases and send  
>> list to WG list
>> (recorded in )
>> Chairs to compose list of tasks for a call for SME volunteers in next  
>> week's call
>> (recorded in
>> All: Review requirements document and provide feedback to editors.
>> 20030414.html
>> All: Everyone should read the CSF(critical success factors) part of  
>> the WSA spec to understand what it is about.
>> * *
>> *6.            **Focus for the next 6 months (continued from last  
>> week)*
>> *a.                   **Other deliverables*
>> *1.                         **Base line specifications*
>> *2.                         **Intermediate specifications*
>> *3.                         **Testcases*
>> *4.                         **Generators*
>> *[note from chair: In the absence of other input I have picked the  
>> first two topics that were on last weeks agenda which we didn’t get  
>> to]*
>> *7.            **Reusable choreographies and data formats (deferred  
>> from last week)*
>> *8.            **Choreography storage and retrieval (hot topic from  
>> the public mailing list)*
>> *a.                   **What do we search on?*
>> *b.                  **Dealing with incomplete information?***
>> *c.                   **The role of rules?***
>> *9.            **Dynamically changing participants in a choreography  
>> (hot topic from public mailing list)*
>> *10.        **Formal models and choreography (hot topic from public  
>> mailing list)*
>> *a.                   **The value of the value of the pi-calculus*
>> *b.                  **What about petrinets*
>> *c.                   **What is a process (hot topic from the mailing  
>> list)*
>> *11.        **AOB.*
>> * *
> <WS-ChorMatrixTerms_mm2_042903.xls>

Received on Friday, 2 May 2003 12:10:51 UTC