Re: The Web Services Architecture WG position on XML profiling/subset ting

Last Friday, the Web Services Architecture Group sent formal input to the 
Tag regarding XML Subsets and a number of related issues [1].  As most of 
you are aware, I had some concerns with that posting which I raised in 
[2].  I specifically asked that the input from WSA be "withdrawn", for a 
number of reasons which were discussed in my note.

I am pleased to say that in a modest amount of semi-private communication 
those most directly involved and I have managed to clarify some of the 
issues and to resolve some misunderstandings.  I wrote a final note 
clarifying my concerns, and summarizing what I believe to be the major 
points that I've heard along with my responses.   I have posted it in the 
public archive at [3].

My goal in [2] was basically to alert the TAG to what I perceived to be 
some factual errors in the analysis by the WSA, and to the fact that 
workgroups that had done pertinent work in the areas discussed had not 
been consulted.  Those are things the TAG should know, IMO, in considering 
this input.  Our later discussions showed me that I also have some 
opinions about the TAG, its processes, and the ways the level of care that 
should be used when a workgroup provides formal input to an 
executive-level committee such as the TAG.    I have had the opportunity 
to raise these issues, and accordingly I see no need for the WSA to 
"withdraw" its note as I originally requested.  I also doubt that the TAG 
wants to encourage a debate on those wider issues just now, but if you're 
interested in my opinions they are in the note at [3].  That said, I don't 
claim that it is a balanced summary of the position of everyone who wrote 
me, just my reactions to what I think I heard.  Others may wish to post 
their own opinions for the record too. 

Thank you to all for your patience with my concerns.



Noah Mendelsohn                              Voice: 1-617-693-4036
IBM Corporation                                Fax: 1-617-693-8676
One Rogers Street
Cambridge, MA 02142

Received on Monday, 20 January 2003 22:34:04 UTC