RE: What Happened to GET?

Yes, I discovered that -- which is one reason I tried to recall the
posting.  I was pretty thoroughly confused about what was Microsoft
implementation, what was default Microsoft configuration, and what was
from the spec.  Sorry.

But thanks much for pointing out the configuration technique.  For your
info, here are a couple more that are supported and might do something

<add name="HttpSoap1.2"/>
<add name="HttpPostLocalhost"/>

-----Original Message-----
From: Christian Weyer [] 
Sent: Saturday, August 23, 2003 7:31 AM
To: Cutler, Roger (RogerCutler);
Subject: AW: What Happened to GET?

Why are you thinking that .NET 1.1 does no longer support Http-GET? This
is not quite true, it is just disabled by default. But you can bring it
back with a simple configuration:

            <add name="HttpSoap"/>
            <add name="HttpPost"/>
            <add name="HttpGet"/>
            <add name="Documentation"/>

Christian Weyer

Microsoft .NET & Service Oriented Architectures
- Consulting, Developing, Writing & Teaching -

[Microsoft Regional Director, Germany]
[MVP ASP.NET & XML Web Services]

* XML Web Services:
* Weblog:


[] Im Auftrag von Cutler, Roger
	Gesendet: Mittwoch, 20. August 2003 19:51

	I'm going to phrase this question entirely in the context of the
.Net implementation of Web services.  You might ask, I suppose, "Well,
why don't you just ask your friendly Microsoft contact this question"?
Well, I might, but I have a hunch that this has something to do with
what has happened in the W3C as a result of various discussions about
REST, GET, POST and SOAP -- and it seems to me that somehow as a result
we have managed to take a step backwards.  See what you think .

	It used to be (in .Net 1.0) that one could invoke a Web service
via a simple GET, typing the parameter values into the URL.  For
example, if the method is AddNums, I think that the URL looked something
like http://mysite/MyService/AddNums?I=2&J=3
<http://mysite/MyService/AddNums?I=2&J=3> .  The WS would then just send
the XML back to the browser.

	This function was very useful for testing and demonstration, and
it was carefully described in the .Net documentation. 

	NOW, in .Net 1.1, it appears that this no longer works.  The new
.Net documentation no longer says anything about doing this and the URL
that used to work doesn't do anything any more.

	Now, I realize that this is very parochial of me to look at this
entirely in terms of a specific implementation (that I happen to use)
and not the specs (which I don't really use on a day-to-day basis) --
but assuming that MS has followed the specs (which they usually seem to
do pretty closely), what has happened here?  It seems to me that a
harmless and reasonably useful function has been eliminated.  Did this
happen in the name of implementing a SOAP version of GET?  Am I
absolutely required to use SOAP now?  Does that mean I have to put <'s
into the URL (basically a very rude thing to do unless you escape them,
which is a pain) in order to get the <soap> that must now begin the
whole exercize?  If so, I must say I'm a bit disappointed.

Received on Saturday, 23 August 2003 12:42:38 UTC