Martin has an action item from the 2003-08-7 telecon, but I thought I would 
prime the pump with some thoughts I had during the telecon.

Given that WSDWG seems to be taking the notion of RPC (or the ability to 
describe RPC) out of WSDL, we need to figure out a few things.

1.  What should WSAWG say about RPC?
2.  Where in the WSA stack diagram would RPC fit?
3.  If I wanted to describe an RPC web service, how do I describe it?
4.  Is RPC a higher layer thing that Choreography should describe?
5.  Is RPC a lower layer thing that currenty has no formal description 
6.  Is RPC a "feature" [1]?
7.  Should RPC be included in the Message Oriented Model [2]?
8.  Should description of RPC be a WSDL extension?

[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/REC-soap12-part1-20030624/#soapfeature


Received on Thursday, 7 August 2003 18:13:22 UTC