RE: Label for Top Node of "triangle diagram"


-----Original Message-----
From: []On
Behalf Of Dave Hollander
Sent: Friday, September 27, 2002 10:56 AM
Subject: RE: Label for Top Node of "triangle diagram"

Registries have been defined in great detail by
eco, ebxml and a host of other technologies (eg. dns).
If we use the term, we will have to be careful to 
define it as a logical abstraction that does not
necessarily carry all of the specialized semantics 
from other technologies.

One semantic I will always have a hard time removing
from registry is that there is a persistent data store
tightly coupled with it. I believe that Heather's point
about not likeing "repository" is becuase of the presumption
of storage--and I feel the same about registry.

The roles, as I understand them, are:
1) a "place" to advertise a service's availability
2) an agency that brokers services' descriptions
3) a "place" to discover what services are availabile

Are these right?

If so, my preferences:

1) Advertising and Discovery Services 
2) Services Description and Discovery
3) Services Registries


-----Original Message-----
From: Munter, Joel D []
Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2002 9:36 PM
To: 'Heather Kreger';; David Orchard
Subject: RE: Label for Top Node of "triangle diagram"

i prefer "web services registries" --- joel

-----Original Message-----
From: Heather Kreger []
Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2002 4:48 PM
To:; David Orchard
Subject: Re: Label for Top Node of "triangle diagram"

I think Registry or Registries is fine (in a minority I suppose).

I just LOVE " Web Service Registries" - qualified, plural and in a cloud
therefore distributed.

'Registry agencies' is my third place vote

To me, 'Discovery Agency' is biased for 'finding' things and
doesn't represent  interesting publication tecnologies
(like a crawling registry...).

Some other terms I've seen but don't love:
Repository (implies stores local copy rather than pointer to a copy)

Thats why in IBM we settled on 'Registry' .. it was a 'role' name like
requester and provider
and not biased towards either of their uses of it.

Heather Kreger
Web Services Lead Architect
STSM, SWG Emerging Technology
919-543-3211 (t/l 441)  cell:919-496-9572

"David Orchard" <> on 09/26/2002 05:26:26 PM

Sent by:

To:    <>
Subject:    Label for Top Node of "triangle diagram"

This kicks off discussions about what to call the top node in our triangle

Some of the terms bandied about (and I list these to support
brainstorming/creative works):
Registry agency
Discovery Mechanism
Search Engine
Metadata store

I looked up in roget's some various synonyms for registry, and I found
catalog(ue for those that write proper english:-), roster, list, roll.  I
looked at discovery and found ascertainment, find, finding, strike.  BTW, I
despise the term metadata in this context.

The way I see it, we can go one of 4 paths:
1) Label it by the function it supports - publish/discover is an example
2) Label it by a term that represent the function it supports - registry is
an example.
3) Same as #2, except we come up with a whole new term.  This has
precedent - RoyF came up with Representations because the trm document
wasn't quite right.
4) Create some modified term based on the previous, like "web service

I observe that lots of companies and people spent time figuring out these
and other terms.  The chance of us recreating something useful in a timely
manner that is different with what's gone on seems unlikely to me.

I gather that people have heartburn over the term "registry" because it
implies a solution like UDDI.  Is there any prefix that might suffice?   My
personal preference is registry with a prefix like Web Service.

Anyways, let's discuss.  And I'll add in people's suggestions and resend
summaries at various points.  I'd prefer to hear what people strongly like
and strongly dislike, so we can get a feel for any consensus, or even
majority of the group.


Received on Saturday, 28 September 2002 10:45:02 UTC