Re: XLink vs. HLink

Once again, the press is able to predict our every move with great
precision :-)

Apparently we're supposed to be weighing in on XLink vs HLink.

Are we considering this issue?  Is it on the agenda somewhere?  I musta
missed it...

Heather Kreger
Web Services Lead Architect
STSM, SWG Emerging Technology
919-543-3211 (t/l 441)  cell:919-496-9572
---------------------- Forwarded by Heather Kreger/Raleigh/IBM on
09/27/2002 08:54 AM ---------------------------

 <Cut internal discussions out here>

                      " Update"                                                                                                
                      <elists-admin@orei        To:                                              
            >               cc:       (bcc: Scott Boag/Cambridge/IBM)                                             
                                                Subject: Newsletter: XLink vs. HLink                                         
                      09/26/2002 07:26                                                                                                

               The Email for Subscribers

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Dear Reader,

It seems a while since we had a decent controversy in the XML
world, but the recent publication of XHTML 2.0 may well be
providing us one.  The XHTML working group declined to use XLink,
the W3C linking specification, for linking purposes, and instead
created their own, HLink.

In the XML-Deviant column this week, Kendall Clark provides an
  introduction to the HLink specification.  You can find that at

As a companion to Kendall's article, Micah Dubinko has written a
dialogue that investigates the rationale for HLink versus XLink.
Achilles and the tortoise meet for an online chat at

As I write, the W3C's Technical Architecture Group are weighing
into the debate, so expect to see more developments reported on next week.

Continuing the theme of debate, this week the creators of the
XMLPULL API for Java respond to an article we published on their
API a few weeks back.  Aleksander Slominski and Stefan Haustein
defend their API, and report on progress made since the first
article was written. 

Also this week we have the second part of the double-bill premier
of Uche Ogbuji's Python and XML column.  This week, Uche provides
a short update on Python & XML community "happenings", and
introduces the PyXML package.  Find Uche's second installment at

Finally this week John Simpson provides us with our monthly dose
of XML Q&A, giving answers to both common and peculiar problems
in processing XML.  This month John helps solve a problem
involving unexpected interaction between "implicit" and "explicit"
XSLT rules.  Find Q&A at

Thanks for reading.

Edd Dumbill
Managing Editor,

Wireless Developer Forum at CTIA Wireless IT 2002

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this one!  The WirelessDevNet and Ericsson Mobility World are
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*** Featured Articles ***

Introducing HLink
Kendall Clark provides an introduction to HLink, the linking
language invented by the XHTML 2.0 Working Group as an alternative
to XLink.


A Hyperlink Offering
Prompted by recent debate over XHTML 2.0's invention of HLink,
Achilles and the tortoise meet to discuss the use of linking in
W3C specifications.


XMLPULL: A Response
The creators of the XMLPULL API for Java respond to Elliotte Rusty
Harold's recent review of their API on


Introducing PyXML
In the second Python and XML column, Uche Ogbuji introduces PyXML,
the add-on XML library which builds upon Python's core XML support.


Dirty XSLT Output
John Simpson returns to answer more XML questions; this time he
tackles a tricky interaction between implicit and explicit XSLT

Web Services DevCon Fills Fast

Register now for the Web Services DevCon, October 10-11 in greater
Boston, featuring amazing talks from Don Box, Tim Ewald, Sam Ruby,
Keith Ballinger and Noah Mendelsohn, as well as others from HP,
Macromedia and the W3C.

*** XML News Headlines from The XML Cover Pages by Robin Cover ***

Open Digital Rights Language (ODRL) Specification Submitted to W3C

W3C Publishes Note on Extensible Media Commerce Language (XMCL)

Last Call Working Draft for SOAP 1.2 Attachment Feature

Discussion Forum for Web Services Security Quality of Protection

Sun Offers Developers Interoperability Prototype for Liberty

For more information on any of these stories visit:

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Received on Friday, 27 September 2002 09:00:52 UTC