RE: remembering business data and taxonomy in description

> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Booth []
> Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2002 3:56 PM
> To: Heather Kreger;
> Subject: Re: remembering business data and taxonomy in description
> Heather,
> What you have described is formally called an "ontology": 

Uhh, Heather used the perfectly respectable and widely-understood term
"taxonomy."  I'd suggest that the VERY LAST THING we need right now is
another terminology dispute :-)

OTOH, if someone were to demonstrate how an OWL formalization of anything
that we are scratching our heads over would help clarify matters, I would be
most appreciative. 

p.s.  Hours after the telcon last week, I understood why David was stressing
the "two kinds of nouns and one verb" discipline.  RDF predicates consist of
a subject-predicate-object triple ... two nouns and a verb :-) 
If there are any intellectual tools we can use to make sense out of the
Choreography Chaos, I'm all for them. 

Received on Tuesday, 15 October 2002 16:16:13 UTC