- From: Ugo Corda <UCorda@SeeBeyond.com>
- Date: Fri, 4 Oct 2002 20:24:12 -0700
- To: "'Damodaran, Suresh'" <Suresh_Damodaran@stercomm.com>
- Cc: www-ws-arch@w3.org
- Message-ID: <C513FB68F8200244B570543EF3FC65370A855B6E@MAIL1.stc.com>
>5. Sec 1.2, Para 2 after Figure 2: >"The request/response pattern is also often called the remote procedure call (RPC) oriented interaction style." > >Since the request/response pair doesn't have to be synchronous (more on the need to define what is synchronous below), this classification is unfair. You seem to imply that the RPC style has to be synchronous. I don't think that is specified either in SOAP 1.2 or in WSDL 1.2. >"An entity A communicates with entity B synchronously over a communication channel if A requires a response back from B, and A does not initiate another communication to B >using the same communication channel before it receives that response. >In the Web Services messaging context, the response could be a response to a request, an acknowledgement, error, or a combination of these. The acknowledgement case might need some additional wording, otherwise it could be confusing. In some cases A might receive an acknowledgement back right away (either from B or from an intermediary, e.g. a store&forward node), which just means that the message was submitted successfully. But the "real" response expected from B arrives later via an asynchronous response. So we would be in the asynchronous case, even though A received a synchronous "acknowledgement". Ugo
Received on Friday, 4 October 2002 23:24:57 UTC