RE: initial (ROUGH!) draft of extension fwk doc


Just a point of clarification. This document is almost entirely exerpted 
the current SOAP1.2 WD. The editors (me for starters) are beginning the
process of determining just how much work would be involved to transform
the SOAP Feature/Binding Framework into something that was generalized
for Web services yet at the same time useful for SOAP. This is JUST the 
cut. During today's call, it was suggested that I post a link to this 
EARLY editor's
draft so that others could see it. It is not at the stage of development 
merits any detailed feedback or comments.


Christopher Ferris
Architect, Emerging e-business Industry Architecture
phone: +1 508 234 3624 wrote on 11/21/2002 05:28:07 PM:

> Thanks, Christopher.
> I haven't had time to read through in detail, but was struck by how much 
SOAP was included in the 
> definitions.  It seems to me that at the Web Services Architecture 
level, features, MEPs, and 
> bindings should be defined in a more general way so that SOAP, WSDL, and 
choreography could all leverage.
> Don Mullen
> TIBCO Software
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Christopher B Ferris []
> Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2002 5:20 PM
> To:
> Subject: initial (ROUGH!) draft of extension fwk doc

> This is being posted merely to allow members to get an initial glimpse 
> what this *might* look like were we to take this idea further... 
> Cheers, 
> Christopher Ferris
> Architect, Emerging e-business Industry Architecture
> email:
> phone: +1 508 234 3624

Received on Thursday, 21 November 2002 20:22:03 UTC