RE: TAG "Architecture of the World Wide Web" new draft published

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mark Baker []
> Sent: Friday, November 08, 2002 11:59 AM
> To: Champion, Mike
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: TAG "Architecture of the World Wide Web" new draft
> published
> Could I respectfully request that if you're going to close any
> issues that relate to things not yet covered by "webarch", that you
> provide your reasoning for doing so above and beyond "because
> the TAG hasn't told us otherwise yet"?

I guess I'd respectfully suggest that you wait until the Webarch document
is relatively final, WSDL 1.2 is relatively final, and then raise 
issues about their incompatibility.  Or better yet, propose specific
to WSDL 1.2 that makes it more consistent with your conception of the web
architecture, and propose specific additions to the TAG document to make
it express the principles -- both WSD and the TAG do much of their work in

WSA already has a  requirement to keep the WS architecture aligned with the
web architecture. I feel that we've bent over backwards to keep from simply 
rubber-stamping non-RESTful current practice. 

As with all compromise committee-drafted documents, the WS Architecture
doc wont' please everyone ... but its goal is to minimize barriers to
the development of interoperable specs, not to annoint the 
One True Architecture.

But your respectful request will be considered when the WG addresses
the issue you've raised :-)

Received on Friday, 8 November 2002 12:19:36 UTC