RE: Web services and CORBA

> But I'm sure we'll see protocols like BTP evolve. 8-)

And we might equally well see architectures like REST evolve. Indeed for
that matter who drew the line in the sand at which the evolution of the Web
itself ceased?

Perhaps there is a more general point to be made here: I think we could
shoe-horn BTP into REST (being delibrately oblivious of the technical detail
we'd get into as we did it). Other people claim they can shoe-horn other
protocols into a REST style. Seems a lot of shoe-horning is going on for the
sake of architectural "purity."

Don't get me wrong I am (surprisingly, even to me :-) ) a REST "sympathiser"
but REST is as prime a candidate for evolution as any other piece of this


Received on Thursday, 30 May 2002 08:09:30 UTC