D-AG001 discussion points

MITRE: I do not like the word "platform".  Replace with "framework".

Use of the term in "platform independence" has a different meaning.  I understand platform to refer
to the combination of hardware and operating system.  platform-1 = x86 + windows, platform-2 = x86 +
linux, platform-3 = sparc + solaris, etc.

So when D-AG001 says "to provide a reference platform", it could mean that we'll describe the
architecture in terms of platform-x, and it is an exercise for the student to extrapolate to a
different platform.  I don't think that's what we intend, so I think "framework" works better.

SUNW: An architecture is not a platform.  May just be nomenclature issues here.

Comment from the Chair: this one is close, may just need some wordsmithing.
I'd like to propose some alternate text:

"The Web Services Architecture should enable the development of interoperable Web Services
across a wide array of environments."

Received on Wednesday, 8 May 2002 08:41:49 UTC