Re: Where do we find software architecture?

On Sun, Jul 28, 2002 at 02:36:04PM -0400, Newcomer, Eric wrote:
> Mark,
> Apologies for missing that in one of your earlier emails.  I'm glad we can go ahead.

No problem.  I'm glad we're in synch.

> What do you think of the idea for finding common ground by avoiding the constraint requiring generic interfaces?

Insofar as this initial arch doc is a *description* of the existing
architecture, I'd be surprised if a generic interface was even
mentioned!  In fact, I'd like to see specific interfaces called out,
however the group feels that should best be done.  IMO, it should
say something like;

"The semantics of a connector in the Web services architecture are
specified in the associated WSDL for the component, and are most
commonly specific to each component."

When we get into prescribing an architecture above and beyond what
exists today, then I'll bring it up again.  I'm not worried about it
being missed, since it's a requirement.

Mark Baker, CTO, Idokorro Mobile (formerly Planetfred)
Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA.     

Received on Sunday, 28 July 2002 21:08:11 UTC